So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 884: I'm not touched, and I don't owe you (seeking monthly pass)

Ji Jingfeng squinted suspiciously, "Did they have any relationship before?"

"I don't know." The man shook his head, glanced at Ji Jingfeng, and said with consideration: "Lu Youtian is well-known, and he is a rejuvenating Hua Tuo in the legal world. He has handled no unsuccessful lawsuits that are impossible to win. "

His reminder made Ji Jingfeng annoyed, "All the evidence is conclusive, I don't believe that Lu You's innocent is so powerful."

The middle-aged man lowered his head and dared not say anything.

Ji Jingfeng looked at him and changed the subject again, "Has the people in L city got any news?"

The man replied: "Urus just got into the Char's house, and there is no news yet. As for the forbidden area in the Char's backyard, no one seems to know what it is inside."

"Check." Ji Jingfeng gritted his teeth, with a hideous face, "Although the media likes to catch the wind and catch the shadows, it must be caught in the wind. Char must be in collusion with the army. Maybe the restricted area is his private arms. You must find out. The old guy’s criminal evidence, hold his seven inches and see how he is arrogant with me."

He wants to remove all obstacles that hinder him from climbing high, and he will not let go of all threats to him.

The middle-aged man nodded, "I see."

Ji Jingfeng didn’t ask any more questions. He bent over, opened a drawer with a fingerprint lock under the desk, took out a document from it, threw it on the desk, and said to the middle-aged man: "Send this to the middle-aged man tomorrow morning. Yang Danning."

The document was wrapped in green leather, he glanced around, and the corners of his mouth were darkly raised.


"I'll come, I'll come."

Xiang Yiqing watched Xin Xiaoxiao who had snatched his water glass and pour him water, his temples started to hurt again.

"What do you want to do, just tell me, I am now your assistant, maid." Xin Xiaoxiao poured a glass of water back and looked at Xiang Yi as he walked.

It's dogleg.

The first time I met someone who caused him such a headache, Xiang Yi rubbed his temples lightly. When Xin Xiaoxiao came over, he said in a good voice, "Miss Xin, I called for you. Lu Dazhuang is now walking outside with his wife." ,No time."

Xin Xiaoxiao pouted, "I know your attitude must be not sincere enough. If you are more sincere, you will definitely be able to invite you."

She put down the water glass, turned around and leaned against the corner of the table, facing Xiang Yiqing, bowed her head, her mouth raised higher, "Although I think the man Ji Chicheng is pretty~forced, I still trust him. , Not sure, he won't let me come to you."

After hearing this, Master Xiang roared in his heart: Ji Chicheng, I have never finished with you.

Xin Xiaoxiao said, raising her eyelids and looking at Xiang Yiqing, and said pitifully, "It's really not a joke to you, although the old man in our family hasn't taken care of me since I was a child, he has been letting me fend for himself, and He always betrayed my long-dead mother physically, but he was still my father, and he paid me the money he earned. He hasn't brought a woman home for so many years, let alone a illegitimate child to fight with me for property. , I can't leave him alone."

With her words, Xiang Yi couldn't help but imagine her life from childhood.

Since I was a child, I didn't have a mother, and my father didn't care about it. Apart from worrying about money, he never enjoyed any maternal love and father love.

It's not that there are no such examples around him, it's quite pitiful.

(I just want to say: Some people won’t die if they don’t do it, dare to touch my old handsome guy’s mind... It’s almost the end of the month, and there should be a new monthly pass again, so I’m going to sell it...)