So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 881: Not moved, nor owed to you (1)

Ji Chicheng was puzzled, and suddenly he thought of something.

He turned and bent over, sat down beside Ji Anning, put down the folder and mobile phone in his hand, and put his arm around Ji Anning gently.

The big palm patted comfortingly on her waist, "You can't change whether you believe it or not. If you choose not to believe it, your heart will feel better, so don't believe it."

His tone and attitude were the same as Ji Mingyue's, calm and plain, without even a slight impression.

"She doesn't want me anymore, how could she care about them?" Ji Anning relied on Ji Chicheng's arms.

Do not believe, still do not believe.

Ji Chicheng said faintly, "Well, what you said is."

Ji Anning thought she was gradually relieved in his arms.

"My parents in City C are kind to me."

"My dad always carries me on his shoulders."

"She is a bad woman and probably never knows how much she owes others."

She amusing herself over and over again. The woman who claims to be her own mother is a vicious-hearted woman, a woman who sacrifices anyone for herself.


It was dark, and the general manager's office was still brightly lit.

Ji Chicheng was immersed in a pile of work when a video request popped up on the computer screen in front of him.

He raised his head and glanced, and saw that it was sent by the company from the country M. He answered. A young man appeared on the screen. Ji Chicheng did not speak, and lowered his head to continue doing his business.

"Boss, the backstage was hacked two hours ago."

The man in the video understands that Ji Chicheng is with him, and without a word of nonsense, he reports directly to his work, "but he didn't lose any data, it seems to be a malicious provocation."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng frowned and looked at the screen, "Then what are you reporting?"

"I see." The young man nodded, passed the topic just now, and continued to the next item. "CM will come to N City to hold a network technology exchange meeting next month. I have sent an invitation letter to invite you to be a guest speaker. "

Ji Chicheng replied: "This kind of boring thing will just be pushed out for me next time."

Then he asked, "What about beige?"

The young man said: "She was busy with the quarterly meeting in L city recently."

"If there is nothing wrong, just hang up."

Ji Chicheng lowered his head again and continued to deal with the pile of work on the table.

For J.C, he was new to it, but he was not so handy in doing it. There are many aspects that need to be figured out, which is time-consuming and energy-consuming.

He lowered his head and raised his head again. More than an hour passed, Ji Chicheng rubbed his sore cervical spine, turned his chair, and faced the floor-to-ceiling windows. The night scene of the city had already begun.

He pressed the armrest of the chair with both hands, stood up, and walked toward the window, when the office door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, he paused and turned his head to look over. Ji Mingyue turned her wheelchair in. After she came in, her assistant closed the door again.

Entering the door, she looked at Ji Chicheng and asked, "Would you like to go and see them in a while?"

"Immediately." Ji Chicheng faintly returned to Ji Mingyue, glanced at her feet, and said: "The rehabilitation hospital in Country M has already arranged for you. I will let Xiang Yi take it off next Friday. You go over, you stay there with peace of mind."

Lifting her feet, Ji Mingyue's face showed a cold color, "It doesn't matter if I am disabled."

The tone is also cold.