So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 880: The person who donated the cornea turned out to be... (3)

Doctor Zhou only said that he would help them ask for the contact information of the donor's family, but he has not given them any news so far.

Ji Mingyue looked at Ji Anning, her eyes deep, and her expression seemed very deep.

Seeing Ji Anning became nervous inexplicably, who is the person who donated the cornea? Is it their acquaintance?

Ji Anning was nervously looking at Ji Mingyue, but Ji Mingyue suddenly lowered her head, grabbed two small hands, and answered Ji Anning in a flat tone, "It's Yang Yufang."


Ji Anning stunned, her face pale suddenly, and she opened her mouth, "Why... how could it be her?"

Not knowing whether it was unbelievable or unwilling to believe, she shook her head.

It can't be her, she is so cruel, she doesn't even recognize her daughter for profit, she has been wronged so much since she was a child, and her heart is so cruel, how could she be willing to have an eye on her.

Ji Mingyue glanced at Ji Anning, her reaction was within her expectations, "I went to ask, and Zhang's wife is taking care of her."

Her voice paused for a while, and then changed to a very open tone, "Actually, you don’t need to be unacceptable. You do it for one after another, and she does it for you. It’s maternal love if it’s nice, and it’s a ugly She owes you and one after another."

In her words, she could not hear the slightest pity for Yang Yufang or the touch of her donating corneas.

Not to mention cold-blooded, but a very ordinary and peaceful state of mind.

Ji Anning still shook her head, "I don't believe it, I don't believe her heart will be so good, donating corneas to one after another, it cannot be her, she must have some conspiracy."

She left her to others when she was born. Before entering Ji's house, she had no impression of the woman named Yang Yufang. A woman could be so cruel.

How can there be maternal love? How can you know how to owe?

Knowing that this matter is hard to accept, Ji Mingyue analyzes Ji Anning from an objective and correct angle, so that she does not have such a heavy burden in her heart.

"You can take care of them with peace of mind. Whether or not she is, the surgeries have been done. Now I hope her eyes will get better and she can see the world normally, and stop wrestling."

She paused, and then said: "The company can't do without Chicheng these days, let Sister Wu stay here to take care of you."

Ji Anning didn't listen to what Ji Mingyue said later. She still didn't believe that the cornea belonged to Yang Yufang.

Since knowing Ji Jingfeng's identity and knowing that he is competing for shares, Ji Mingyue also goes to the company every day and stays in the same office with Ji Jingfeng.

In fact, she couldn't do much, but she was just trying to be at ease, feeling that this could more or less make up for the debt she owed to the old man because of her waywardness.

She came to visit many people during the afternoon tea time, and after only ten minutes of staying with them, she left.

It took Ji Chicheng out to call for nearly half an hour before he came back. There were a few more folders in his hand, which should have been sent by someone just now.

He walked in and saw Mrs. Wu sitting on the bedside reading storybooks. Ji Anning leaned on the sofa, his eyes sluggish, and his spirit was obviously wrong.

"what happened?"

Ji Chicheng walked up to Ji Anning and asked her softly.

Ji Anning slowly raised her head, looked at the man who bowed to her, and shook her head, "Uncle, I don't believe it is her, it can't be her."