So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 877: Strength pit brother (6)

After confirming the goal, Xin Xiaoxiao threw away the old man's hand in a measured manner, "Thank you, old man, goodbye."

Thanks, she quickly ran to the man in the white coat, walking fast.

"Child, slow down, be careful of my great-grandson..."

What is the old man shouting?

Xin Xiaoxiao frowned when she heard the old man's shout, what great-grandson?

Before she could think about it, she was already behind Xiang Yiqing, "Xiang Yiqing."

She reached out and patted Xiang Yiqing's shoulder, as if an old friend met to say hello.

When a group of old men and women saw such a young girl coming to Xiang Yiqing, they looked at her.

Xiang Yiqing turned his head and saw Xin Xiaoxiao. He had no impression of her face, "You are?"

Like his appearance, the tone of inquiry is also very gentle and polite.

"I'm Xin Xiaoxiao, Ji Chicheng asked me to come to you." Xin Xiaoxiao quickly introduced herself.

The elderly people nearby did not listen to Xin Xiaoxiao's next sentence, and started gossiping one by one.

"Xiaoxiang, is this your girlfriend?"

"Oh, he looks so handsome."

"Lang, talented and female."

As the old people said, they looked at the old man who was following Xin Xiaoxiao, "It is the first time that Lao Xiang sees a girl coming to your little Xiang, is something good coming soon."

The old man nodded and smiled from ear to ear, "It's coming soon, and I will be happy soon."

"It seems that we are going to add great-grandchildren. Don't forget to invite us to have a wedding drink when that time comes."


What the hell?

Xiang Yiqing looked dazed, looked at his father, and then at the girl who looked a little familiar in front of him.

Old item? Great-grandson?

Xin Xiaoxiao also realized that the old man who brought her was Xiang Yiqing's grandfather, no wonder he cared about her so much just now.

This is a coincidence.

Miss Xin is a rare embarrassment.

A group of elderly people are making noises, and you are very noisy.

Xiang Yiqing felt tired, he reached out and rubbed his temples, then looked at Xin Xiaoxiao and said, "Come with me."

Saying hello to Xin Xiaoxiao, he raised his foot and walked past Xin Xiaoxiao.

Xin Xiaoxiao also turned around hurriedly, chasing items quickly and easily.

"Smelly boy, walk slowly and hold her."

Behind him came the scolding sound of old man Xiang.

Master Xiang died speechlessly, what did this girl say to their old man? Why does he feel like this girl is pregnant with his child?

When he reached a place with few people, Xiang Yiqing was still walking forward, because he couldn't guarantee that the old man would follow.

But Xin Xiaoxiao was impatient. She stepped forward, reached out and clasped Xiang Yiqing's wrist, and grabbed him, "Mr. Xiang, I'm here to ask you for a favor."

Xiang Yiqing stopped and looked down at Xin Xiaoxiao holding his hand.

Xin Xiaoxiao was unconscious, and she was very adaptable. Now she was only thinking about her father's lawsuit.

"You said." Xiang Yiqing nodded, and tactfully opened Xin Xiaoxiao's hand holding his wrist.

"Doctor Xiang, my father is now in a lawsuit. I would like to ask you to ask the famous name Lu Youtian in Kyoto." Xin Xiaoxiao directly stated her purpose.

Then he raised his face and looked at Xiang Yiqing with gleaming eyes.

The poor little eyes make people can't bear to refuse.

Xiang Yiqing stretched out his hand to support him for a while, and then asked Xin Xiaoxiao: "You mean Ji Chicheng asked you to come to me?"

Why is it so bad?