So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 876: Strength pit brothers (5)

Ji Chicheng: "..."

His face was getting darker and darker, Ji Anning hurriedly reached out and hugged his head, forced it on her shoulder, and then patted his face gently, "Just kidding, go to bed, be good!"

Imitating his usual tone to him.

After the shot, he rubbed the man's face vigorously with his soft palm.

Ji Chicheng closed his eyes and curled his lips, enjoying it.

Ji Anning looked at the people sleeping in the sterile room, her eyes gradually dull, and the hands rubbing Ji Chicheng's face gradually stopped.

"Uncle, you said to the children who donated corneas, is it a boy or a girl?"

Ji Chicheng's voice returned to her tiredly, "I don't know."

Ji Anning sighed, "Hey, his parents, how heartbroken and sad."

I don't dare to imagine the pain of losing a child, it must be better than death.

"We will definitely use his eyes instead of him to see the development and changes of the world."


"If they are willing to accept, let's let them be their goddaughters."

"it is good."


After driving for a few hours, I finally arrived at the famous nursing home in City C.

The nursing homes are mostly elderly people, so foreign vehicles are not allowed to enter and can only park in the parking lot outside the hospital.

Xin Xiaoxiao pushed the door and got out of the car, "You wait for me here."

After giving orders to the driver, she rushed in violently, holding her bag tightly in her hands, in a state of urgency.

She was dumbfounded when she ran into the nursing home.

So big, where should I find that guy named Xiang Yiqing?

Xin Xiaoxiao blinked, looking blank, not knowing which direction to go.

At this moment, a few old men were walking and chatting, passing in front of her, she grabbed one casually, and asked anxiously: "Grandpa, do you know there is someone named Xiang Yiqing here?"

Before the old man she had caught answering, another gray-haired old man stood up and asked her: "What's the matter with him?"

What do I want him to do to care about you?

Xin Xiaoxiao’s violent temper was about to reply to this sentence, but when she thought that she was asking for help, and the old man’s tone seemed to know Xiang Yiqing, his attitude improved again and he let go of the old man she was holding. , Smiled and looked at the old man who was rushing to answer her words: "I have very important things with him, life and death are a matter of life and death."

The old man frowned, "His medical skills are not as good as mine. You can't find him for help."

The old men and Xin Xiaoxiao: "..."

In order to save time, Xin Xiaoxiao didn't even think about it, and said quickly: "I am his girlfriend and I am pregnant with his child. If I don't see him in the next second, I will kill his child immediately. "

Hearing this, the old man's muddy eyes brightened up, "Don't tell me, girl."

He quickly grabbed Xin Xiaoxiao's arm and dragged her away, "I'll take you to get that stinky boy out."

"Old Xiang, congratulations."

Behind him came the laughter of the old men.

For those old men's congratulations, Xin Xiaoxiao didn't think much about it.

"You slow down."

Leading her old man for a while and looking back at Xin Xiaoxiao's feet, reminded her to be careful and worried that she might fall.

"Look, that brat."

I don't know how many corridors around, the old man pointed to the young man who was standing among a group of elderly people and talking to Xin Xiaoxiao.

The man was dressed in a white lab coat and gold-rimmed glasses, and looked polite.