So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 878: The person who donated the cornea turned out to be... (1)

The gentle young master Xiang, for the first time wanted to swear, he wanted to appear in front of Ji Chicheng and beat him violently.

"Yes, he said that you and Lu Youtian's son are alumni abroad, and the relationship is very good. It must be useful to ask him for help."

In order to be successful, Miss Xin is very unkind and addictive.

Xiang Yiqing stroked his forehead again, calmed his anger, and asked Xin Xiaoxiao calmly: "What is your relationship with Ji Chicheng?"

Xin Xiaoxiao pouted for a while, and replied: "If I must have something to do with him, then we should be regarded as ex-boyfriends and girlfriends."

"Ha..." Xiang Yi raised his head and smiled, then stared at Xin Xiaoxiao's face and said: "I finally remembered, you are the daughter of Hai Rui Group Xin Xiaoxiao?"

Xin Xiaoxiao was surprised, "Am I so famous?"

Xiang Yiqing: "..."

Yes, you are very famous!

He didn't want to bother this god, and refusing to say in a tactful tone: "But I'm really sorry, I'm afraid I won't be able to help with this task. I haven't contacted my junior and junior for a long time, and his father hasn't accepted the case for several years.

"Doctor Xiang, I beg you to help me." Xin Xiaoxiao hugged Xiang Yiqing's arm again, crying to him, "My father was really framed, and he was not beaten by my father, but we are considerate of them. The family conditions are not good, and they are still willing to give them a pension, but they disagree and have to sue my father to go to jail."

As she spoke, tears came out of her eyes.

Xiang Yiqing lowered his eyes to look at Xin Xiaoxiao, his mouth twitched.

The old men and old ladies in the distance were still looking at him. He was embarrassed and pushed Xin Xiaoxiao, "Miss Xin, don't do this."

"Uuuuu..." Xin Xiaoxiao cried altogether, crying as she said: "Please help me, I will promise you whatever you offer."

"Give him a monkey, would you like it?"

Suddenly, an old man popped out from behind the wooden pillar behind the corridor.

Xiang Yiqing: "..."

He rubbed his sudden temple, looked at the old man tiredly and said, "Grandpa, can you please don't make a mess."

The old man ignored him and looked at Xin Xiaoxiao with a smile, "Girl, if he helps you save your father, you will marry him and give me great-grandchildren."

Xin Xiaoxiao nodded without hesitation, "Okay!"

After she succeeded, she wouldn't give him great-grandchildren, they could still kill her.

Xiang Yiqing: "..."

He felt it was necessary for him to call Ji Chicheng and scold him at this time.

"You wait a moment, let me make a call first."

It is necessary for him to make this fire to vent his breath.

As he said, he took out his cell phone, dialed Ji Chicheng's number, and walked into the corner.


They came out of the sterile room several hours in advance, and now they can drink something light, Ji Chicheng is feeding her water.

The cell phone he placed on the coffee table rang suddenly. Ji Anning glanced at the caller ID and shouted to him: "Uncle, your cell phone rang. Xiang Yiqing called."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng narrowed his eyes, thinking of something, and said to Ji Anning: "You take it and say I am not here."

While wondering why Ji Chicheng asked her to tell Xiang Yiqing that he was not here, Ji Anning answered the phone. Before she could say'hello', Xiang Yiqing's curse came from the receiver, "Are you special Ji Chicheng? Are you sick?"

It was the first time she heard Xiang Yi scold people lightly.

Ji Anning was a little dazed, and asked nervously: "Xian...Doctor Xiang, what's wrong?"