So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 875: Strength pit brother (4)

He said: "A similar case occurred in Xiang Shao’s hospital. At that time, his family members were making trouble in the hospital. Many people accused Doctor Xiang’s father of beating and causing death. Yes, everyone thought there was no room for maneuver in the case, but Xiang Shao invited Lu Youtian from a family of lawyers in Kyoto. He specializes in this type of case and easily reversed the situation, but he rarely takes cases."

Xin Xiaoxiao frowned, "Then I must not move either."

Wu Tezhu said: "Lu Youtian's son Lu Yinan and Xiang Shao went to the same university abroad, and they have a good relationship between teachers and brothers."

At that time, the Fengming Hospital case was too sensational, so he knew about it.

Xin Xiaoxiao now understands that Ji Chicheng asked her to find Xiang Yiqing, and excitedly grabbed Wu Tezhu’s arm and nodded vigorously, "I see, uncle, give me the number and address of Xiang Yiqing. , I'll go to him for help."

"Don't get excited, don't get excited." Wu Tezhu smiled and broke Xin Xiaoxiao's hand holding his arm.

In order to send him away earlier, he immediately gave her Xiang Yiqing's number and address.

Seeing Xin Xiaoxiao's hurried departure, Wu Tezhu sighed in his heart: Young Master is really a pit brother...

The young master Xiang in the impression is so gentle and elegant, if he is stalked by the invincible Miss Xin... it should be no way.

Ji Anning came out of the sterile room and saw Ji Chicheng just finished talking on the phone. When she hung up, her tone seemed impatient.

She walked over gently, "Uncle, now there must be a lot of things staring at you to do it, you can go to the company after a short rest, here is what I think is all right."

"Not sleepy." Ji Chicheng replied to Ji Anning, stuffed the phone into his pocket, then walked to the waiting chair and sat down.

Just sitting down, the phone rang again.

He frowned, took out the phone again, glanced at the caller ID, just about to answer, Ji Anning suddenly snatched the phone away.

Answer the call and put it to your ear.

"I am Ji Chicheng's new secretary. He is charging now. If there is no important work, please wait a moment. If there is important work, please let me know and I will pass it on."

Finished in one breath, concise and concise.

The other party was a man's voice, and immediately replied: "I'm sorry, it's not very important, I'll just contact the boss later."

Ji Anning hung up the phone with a ‘um’, and then put Ji Chicheng’s cell phone directly into her pocket.

The man looked at her funny, "My new secretary?"

"You have to take a good rest, you have to rest." Ji Anning walked to Ji Chicheng and sat down, staring at his handsome face distressedly, and pouting: "There are dark circles under my eyes, so I'm not handsome anymore."

As she said, she looked at Ji Chicheng's head again, and was suddenly surprised: "Uncle, you all have gray hair."

"Really?" Ji Chicheng tilted his neck and put his head in front of Ji Anning, meaning that Ji Anning could help him pull out his white hair.

"Oh, there is more than one."

Ji Anning plucked while talking, plucking several hairs in a row, she snickered when she looked at the hairs in her hand.

It was a joy to play.

The man suddenly raised his head and looked at her dangerously, "Ji Anning, what about white hair?"

"Here." Ji Anning lifted up the few hairs she had just pulled off Ji Chicheng's head. They were all black. She pretended to be surprised, "Oh, just now, the half of your head was facing the light, and the hair was reflecting. I thought it was white hair, so I read it wrong."