So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 874: Strength pit brother (3)

Unconsciously, I arrived at the hotel.

The hotel arranged by Ji Chicheng is naturally the best hotel in the sea. The magnificent lobby, just looking at it from the outside, makes people dizzy.

Jin Yuanyuan was under pressure in her heart.

We greeted Mr. Sun, she pushed the door and got out of the car. She couldn't hold Zhen Cheng and could only wake him up.

Entering the lobby from the spacious revolving door, a crowd of foreigners walked in front of you, headed by a middle-aged mixed-race man, dressed in a neat dark blue suit, with one hand in his trouser pocket, walking with a few young people beside him What women are talking about.

Jin Yuanyuan passed them by.

"This lady."

Suddenly, the crowd stopped, and the middle-aged mixed-race man in the lead turned and looked at Jin Yuanyuan and shouted.

Jin Yuanyuan only felt the voice in her ear, not sure if it was calling her, she turned her head in doubt, and faced the mixed-race man with deep blue eyes.

"I think you are a bit familiar."

Char stared at Jin Yuanyuan's face and looked at it wantonly.

It doesn't make people feel rude.

This man is very expensive, and looking at this situation, he shouldn't have a conversation with her unpredictable woman.

Jin Yuanyuan frowned and thought for a while, smiled and answered Char, "I just have a popular face."

After speaking, she politely nodded to Char, then turned around and led Zhen Cheng to move forward.

Charl stared at Jin Yuanyuan's tall back, folded his chest with one hand, and clicked on his head with ten fingers of the other hand. After thinking for a while, he suddenly remembered something, and the corner of his lips was viciously convulsed.

Turning to the assistant beside him, "Go and check, that woman's information."

While talking, he took out his phone and held it up, the camera was facing Jin Yuanyuan, and he took several pictures in a row.

The assistants and bodyguards on the side looked at Char's actions, and all expressed puzzlement. You look at me, and I look at you.

Could it be that their great Mr. Char fell in love with the woman just now at first sight?


More than ten hours have passed, and they are still in the sterile room. You can visit them every four hours. Ji Anning has entered.

Ji Chicheng also kept guarding at the door of the sterile room, calling one after another.

A lot of work is waiting for him to do.

"Because of the death, the other party is weak, and the family members are making a lot of trouble, so Miss Xin is unlikely to win the case."

On the phone, Wu Tezhu reported to him about the Xin Hailong case.

Ji Chicheng heard the words, thought for a moment, and asked, "Which lawyer did she look for."

Wu Te replied: "I am a college classmate of Hai Rui's legal counsel, Zhu Zhengjun, he is not famous."

Ji Chicheng said: "Show her a way to find Xiang Yiqing, and give her Xiang Yiqing's phone number and address."


Wu Te asked inexplicably, then suddenly thought of something, and suddenly realized: "I know."


After hanging up the phone, Wu Tezhu immediately turned around and walked to Xin Xiaoxiao who was anxiously waiting for a reply, "Miss Xin, our young master has shown you a way to find Master Xiang Yiqing."

Xin Xiaoxiao was puzzled, "Who is Xiang Yiqing? Why should I look for him?"

Wu Tezhu asked, "Fengming Hospital can't you not know, right?"

Xin Xiaoxiao heard the words, thought about it, and nodded, "Oh, I know, the dean of Fengming Hospital seems to be the name item."

Wu Tezhu: "..."

What seems to be the name item.