So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 871: Who is the cornea donor? (fifteen)

Then she rubbed her eyes and ran out of the dilapidated operating room door as quickly as possible.

Turning around, she stared in horror, paused, and then backed away.

The man came here like a thousand years of frost.

Seeing Ji Anning, his red eyes narrowed nervously, and he dashed towards her.

Reached out and strangled her chin, "Ji Anning."

He gritted his teeth fiercely, and for an instant, he really wanted to choke her to death, this stupid and stupid girl.

Ji Anning stared at the man who turned into a demon in fear, her legs were frightened and her mouth was open, "Little...Uncle."

He could barely make a sound in his throat.

"You are crazy, are you crazy?"

Ji Chicheng asked over and over again, his face leaning close to Ji Anning, only one finger away from her, and an angry aura approached, "Who gave you such a bolder?"

As he asked, his hand increased his strength, "I ask you who gave you such a bold face?"

Ji Anning's jaw was pinched, and she couldn't speak at all. She opened her mouth and her lips trembled more and more severely.

Ji Chicheng slowly let go of his hand. Ji Anning took the opportunity to grab his wrist, broke his hand, coughing and smiling at the man's angry face, "Uncle, what are you doing in such a big fire? What's the matter?"

She deliberately pretended to be stupid, although she knew he would not believe it.

But her smile can defuse the man's anger.

"You are pretending to be Laozi!"

Looking at her smiling face, Ji Chicheng said, "What should I do with you?" He changed his mouth again, and his body pressed tightly against her, venting his fears in his domineering manner.


The domineering kiss was crazier than any one between them, and Ji Anning smelled blood.

She couldn't push away, she simply enjoyed it, enjoying his domineering charge and domineering love, moved her hands on his waist and embraced him.

But she still didn't forget to wink at the nurse and the doctor who stood by and motioned to them to leave.

Otherwise, they would not be as good as her.

"Who gave you the rights? Do you think you are yours alone?"

Suddenly, Ji Chicheng clasped Ji Anning's hands tightly again, rubbed her lips against her face, and moved to her ear, "We don't want children, we don't want them, one after another is enough."

He was also scared and didn't dare to take the risk.

If Ji Anning's health is to be exchanged, he would rather not have children.

"Uncle." Ji Anning bit her lip, endured tears, lowered her head into Ji Chicheng's chest.


After more than two hours, it was already dark outside, and finally saw the lights in the operating room go out, the door opened, and the doctor walked out from inside.

Ji Anning and the others hurried forward, the doctor took off the masks and gave Ji Anning a reassuring smile.

"The operation is very successful, depending on whether there will be rejection in the later stage."

Everyone was relieved.

"Zhen Cheng, the surgeries have been successful."

Jin Yuanyuan didn't know how to express her relaxed mood, so she bent over and kissed Zhen Cheng's forehead several times.

Ji Anning was so excited that she couldn't speak, and it took a while to react. She was grateful to Dade and bent over to the doctor, "Thank you, doctor, thank you."

At this time, they were pushed out by nurses.

Because the time from the last operation is very short, and general anesthesia was used. Considering that too many anesthetics are not good enough, this time the little girl only used local anesthesia.