So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 870: Who is the cornea donor? (fourteen)

She was very nervous, her lips tightly pressed, swallowing and foaming.

Put your hands on your chest, make a fist for a while, release it for a while.

The doctor came in in sterile obedience, took a look at Ji Anning, smiled and comforted her, "Relax."

Ji Anning grinned silly, "I am very relaxed, not nervous at all."

With a smile, her eye circles can't help but flush, there is no fear, no regrets, I don't know why.

The doctor felt a little distressed, and bent over and said softly to her: "You can think about it again, you will always encounter a suitable cornea in the future."

Ji Anning smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, don't delay anymore."

The doctor reached out and patted her hand comfortingly, "I'll give you general anesthesia."

"No..." Ji Anning shook her head. She said: "I don't want general anesthesia, just a local one."

"OK then."

The doctor nodded and turned around to wink at the anesthesiologist who had already been prepared.

The anesthesiologist nodded, took the anesthesia needle, and walked towards Ji Anning.

Ji Anning's hands trembled, and when the anesthesiologist arrived, she closed her eyes.

"Doctor Zhou."

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door outside, and the knocker was very anxious.

Ji Anning opened his eyes and looked at the door nervously. Could it be my uncle who knew?

She wondered uneasy, wanting to stop Doctor Zhou from opening the door.

"Just now there was a call from the resource library and said... that there is a cornea."

Doctor Zhou opened the door of the operating room, and a middle-aged nurse held on to the door frame and said to Doctor Zhou out of breath.

"Is there a cornea?"

Both Doctor Zhou and Ji Anning's eyes lit up.

Ji Anning was even more excited and sat up on the bed, looking at the breathless nurse who was running.

The nurse nodded vigorously, "Yes... next... the transplant can be done this afternoon."

"Are the family members here?" Doctor Zhou asked excitedly.

The nurse shook his head, "Not in our hospital, just let us know over there and just prepare to take over the resources here."


Doctor Zhou turned around excitedly and looked at Ji Anning, wishing to give her a hug.

As a doctor, although he is not surprised at this kind of living person transplantation, he still feels a little bit pressured, and the target is Ji Anning, whom Ji Chicheng regards as a treasure.

He breathed a sigh of relief, reached out and touched his forehead, unknowingly, his forehead was sweaty.

The surprise came so suddenly, Ji Anning was a little dizzy, "I...I don't need a transplant?"

After all, they waited so long and didn't wait until they came suddenly at this time, she was not sure, couldn't believe it.

The doctor nodded affirmatively, "Yes, go back and accompany them, I will prepare for acceptance."

"it is good."

Ji Anning nodded, and for a moment, tears filled her eyes, and she cried and laughed.

"Doctor Zhou is terrible."

Suddenly, another nurse ran over in a panic, lying on the door frame, looking at Doctor Zhou out of breath, with her mouth open, panting for a long time.

Doctor Zhou asked: "What's wrong? Is there another cornea?"

The nurse shook his head, ", the operating room just called and said that Shao Ji knew you were going to donate corneas to them. Now he is crazy and is coming here."

Upon hearing this, Ji Anning and Doctor Zhou looked shocked.

After a daze, Ji Anning reacted and immediately took off the sterile cap on his head, and the sterile clothes on his body were almost torn off and torn off.