So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 872: Strength pit brother (1)

So when she came out, the little girl was sober, because her eyes were blindfolded and the world was dark, she was very nervous, raising her hands and waving randomly.


"Mummy is here." Ji Anning rushed forward, grabbed the small hands, and kissed deeply on his lips.

The tears of excitement came out.

Hearing Ji Anning's voice, the nervous expression on their small faces immediately disappeared. She held Ji Anning's hands tightly with one hand and walked with the stretcher bed.

Just after the operation, in order to prevent infection, he must be observed in a sterile room for 24 hours before being transferred to a general ward.

Therefore, the family members can only follow to the sterile room.

Seeing the little girl being pushed into the sterile room, she couldn't accompany her, Ji Anning lay on the glass wall distressedly, her nails broken.

Fortunately, the little girl fell asleep after a while.

The doctor has been standing here with Ji Anning and the others. Seeing that the little girl is asleep, he turned to look at Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng and said, "Ji Shao, Miss Anning, you don’t need to stand here. She should be able to sleep. a long time."

Ji Anning looked back and turned slowly. She wiped her tears, then looked at the doctor and asked, "Can we meet the family of the donor?"

Doctor Zhou lowered his eyes and said, "The other party is also a child, and the family members are in grief. They don't have this idea at present."

The tone is a bit deep, a bit heavy.

Upon hearing this, Ji Anning felt sorry for the child. He had never met, but gave children who had bright opportunities.

She nodded to Doctor Zhou in understanding, "I understand, you give their contact information, and I will go to the door to thank you later."

Doctor Zhou said: "Others probably didn't think about asking for rewards for doing good deeds. The hospital over there didn't give us any contact information. Let's go with the flow."

After speaking, he glanced deeply at Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng, did not stop any more, nodded to them, and then left with his apprentice and a few nurses.

Seeing the doctor left, Zhen Cheng looked up at Jin Yuanyuan with gleaming eyes, and asked, "Mr. Jin, can you see with your eyes?"

Jin Yuanyuan smiled, "After a while, my eyes will be able to see."

"Great." The little guy applauded happily.

Ji Anning was infected by the little guy's smile and showed a smiling face. She reached out and touched his little head, then looked at Jin Yuanyuan and said, "It's getting late, you take Zhen Cheng to rest."

"Yeah." Jin Yuanyuan nodded, "You go to rest too."

"I'm here with her." Ji Anning turned his head and looked at the little man lying on the bed in the sterile room, sleeping soundly.

But I can't see her eyes, I don't know, hers are in their sleep, so they are not afraid.

Her eye circles are red again, "I'm afraid she wakes up."

Jin Yuanyuan understood her, didn't say much, reached out and patted her shoulder, "Don't worry too much, it will be fine, everything will be fine."

As she said, she bent down and took Zhen Cheng's hand, looked at Ji Chicheng, then looked at Jianning and said, "I will take Zhen Cheng back tomorrow morning. It's going to go to class, and I will see them again later when I have time."

"Yeah." Ji Anning nodded. Seeing Jin Yuanyuan alone with a child, she was not at ease, turned to Ji Chicheng and said, "Uncle, you can send Yuanyuan and Zhen Cheng to the hotel."

Ji Chicheng called and the driver came up immediately.