So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 869: Who is the cornea donor? (thirteen)

Without waiting for the response from the other party, she went on to say: "I told you, stop Anning, and give peace to those who donate corneas, that is, peace..."

Before she could finish her words, there was a ‘pop’ in the receiver, which was obviously the sound of the phone landing.

Jin Yuanyuan put down the phone and glanced at the time. Ji Anning's operation was at 8:30, and her nervous heart was about to jump out.

Ji Chicheng, we must stop Anning, we must stop.

Jin Yuanyuan prayed silently in her heart. Just about to lift her foot into the outpatient operating room to see if Ji Anning was inside, suddenly someone from behind her grabbed her arm.

"Girl, what did you just say?"

She turned her head, and a middle-aged woman dressed as a wealthy woman looked at her nervously with her mouth open.

Jin Yuanyuan didn't know this woman in the impression, and asked in confusion, "Aunty, are you?"

"I'm Anning's mother, what did you just say?" Yang Yufang was speechless with excitement, holding Jin Yuanyuan tightly, "You...what did you call just now, what happened to Anning's cornea?"

Jin Yuanyuan has not heard Ji Anning mention that she has a mother.

But seeing this woman so nervous, she must be An Ning's very dear person, she said, "Yes, An Ning wants to donate her corneas to them."

"Do not!"

Yang Yufang's face turned pale, she let go of Jin Yuanyuan's arm and rushed into the clinic.

"Quickly stop her, stop her."

She murmured nervously as she walked.

Jin Yuanyuan wanted to catch up, but she was holding Zhen Cheng and couldn't run so fast.


Ji Chicheng and Wu Sao ran the entire outpatient clinic at the fastest speed, large and small operating rooms.

Ji Anning was not found, he went back to the operating rooms and kicked open the door of the operating room. With a bang, the doctors who were preparing for the operation were shocked.

Including one after another sitting on the operating bed.

The little girl opened her mouth in shock, and looked at the man entering the door with a murderous look in fear.

Ji Chicheng was sweaty, and his scarlet eyes scanned all the people in the operating room. He did not see the doctors in charge. He grabbed the collar of the nurse closest to him and shouted: "Quickly, Zhou Lixiang is here. where?"

The little nurse was scared by him, staring at her eyes and speechless.

The young doctor on the side hurried forward to answer Ji Chicheng, "Doctor Ji Shaozhou is performing an operation."

"Say or not?" Ji Chicheng gritted his teeth and picked up the little nurse, in a posture that he would throw her away at any time.

Not only the little nurse herself, but everyone present was scared to pee.

But they still refused to say, "Doctor Zhou won't let us say."


Ji Chicheng directly lifted the slender nurse, threw it out, and then approached the young doctor, "Say?"

Seeing the young nurse who was thrown to the ground for a long time and couldn't get up, the young doctor's legs were so frightened, his lips trembled, " the old clinic building."

"Call him now. If Lao Tzu's woman is blind, I will goug his family's eyes."

Ji Chicheng pointed at the young doctor and threw a ferocious warning.

Before he could speak, his tall figure had already left the operating room.


Very old operating room, because it has not been used for a long time, it has been specially disinfected, and now it smells of strong disinfectant water.

Ji Anning was wearing a sterile surgical gown, lying on the operating table, facing the bright light above.