So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 868: Who is the cornea donor? (twelve)

After speaking, he nodded slightly to Ji Chicheng, and then walked over in front of him, smiling towards him.

Ji Chicheng also turned and followed.

The doctor just walked up to them, stretched out his hand and scratched his eyelids.

"It's very good." He raised his wrist and looked at his watch as he said, "You will be ready to enter the operating room at half past eight."

Ji Chicheng nodded, "Yeah."

When the doctor left, he turned around to look at them, then took out his cell phone, dialed Ji Anning's number, and the response was still shutting down.

He turned around and prepared to go out, glanced at the coffee table inadvertently, Ji Anning's mobile phone was on it.

Didn't bring your phone?

Ji Chicheng walked over quickly, bent over to pick up Ji Anning's phone, and turned it off.

He narrowed his eyes and wondered, then turned his head and asked Aunt Wu, "Aunt Wu, how long has Anning been out?"

Sister Wu thought for a while and said: "It's probably more than half an hour."

"Charge this phone and I will go to her."

Ji Chicheng walked to Wu Sister-in-law, handed Ji Anning's mobile phone to his old man, confessed, then raised his foot and walked out of the room.

"Stopping the morals, that's a good thing!"

It's been a while since I haven't seen you, and I'm so nervous.

Ji Mingyue was full of Ji Anning's eyes on Ji Chicheng's performance. Twenty-four were dissatisfied, and cursed at his back when he went out. He turned around to look at them, with a face of love.


The next stop is the Haishi Eye Hospital. Jin Yuanyuan sat on the bus, looking out the window, holding her mobile phone, frowning, her expression tangled.

The little guy on the side is also very peaceful.

The phone vibrated, and the social software received another message. She would look back, sigh heavily, and look down at the message.

It was a message from Mr. Sun, "What happened early in the morning?"

Jin Yuanyuan replied: "Today, my friend's daughter had a corneal transplant. I'm in the hospital now. I'm so troubled now."

It's so tangled, I don't know who to talk to.

Mr. Sun: "What are you struggling with?"

Jin Yuanyuan: "My friend used his own cornea to transplant to her daughter secretly, but I have to pretend not to know, not to tell her lover or her family."

Mr. Sun: "Is that college classmate you mentioned, the friend who sent gifts to the children?"

Jin Yuanyuan: "Yes, she's really stupid. I didn't know the child's father. I made this decision by myself. I also knew it accidentally. The doctor asked me to pretend I didn't know. I saw her cute daughter. Xiao looks distressed, but I also distress my friend."

After the message was sent, the car arrived at the eye hospital.

She quickly led Zhen Cheng out of the car.

The weather is very good today. The patients are all out for activities. Everywhere you can see people with eyes wrapped in gauze, or one or both eyes are wrapped in wheelchairs.

Jin Yuanyuan was even more frightened when she saw it.

Is it true that Anning is like this when she sees Anning again?

At this moment, the phone in her hand vibrated again, a message from Mr. Sun.

"You should stop it. It's no different from changing one life. If you don't stop, you will regret it."

This was the first time they knew how long he had used such a certain tone to ask her to do something.

Jin Yuanyuan didn't hesitate for a second, and immediately dialed Ji Anning's number.


The phone was connected, and the voice of a man came over there. Jin Yuanyuan was trembling all over nervously for a while, and her voice trembled, "Is Ji Chicheng?"