So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 867: Who is the cornea donor? (eleven)

She raised her foot and approached Ji Mingyue, "Sister, it will be fine if you are here, and there are still some procedures to be completed, I just want to go through it."

"Go go." Ji Mingyue frowned and waved to Ji Anning, still not looking at her.

"Mummy, where's Brother Zhencheng?"

They suddenly turned their heads and looked at Ji Anning and asked.

Ji Anning smiled back to her, "He and Aunt Jin should be here in a while, just wait."

"Oh." One after another nodded.

Ji Anning pursed her lips, looked away from her body, looked at Ji Mingyue, "Sister, then I'm leaving."

In order not to be discovered, she discussed with Doctor Zhou that her operation was performed in the old outpatient building of the hospital. Doctor Zhou had already arranged the facilities there.

The sun today is very good, good dazzling.

Ji Anning stepped down the steps of the inpatient building step by step.

Passing by the new clinic building, she raised her head, and a familiar champagne Bentley broke into her sight. She quickly turned and hid to the side of the road.

The Bentley drove behind her.

She turned her head, closed one eye tightly, and could still see the familiar license plate number.

Uncle, you can see clearly.

Ji Anning smiled, turned and continued to move forward.


After getting out of the car, Ji Chicheng hurriedly came to the wards one after another, opened the door, and saw Ji Mingyue holding a bowl and feeding them what he was eating.


The little girl yelled sweetly when she saw Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng smiled and walked over, and asked, "Where's mom?"

"I don't know." They shook their heads, opened their mouths, and ate the spoonful of porridge that Ji Mingyue had fed her mouth.

do not know?

Ji Chicheng glanced at Ji Mingyue, and finally looked at Sister Wu.

Sister Wu said: "Ms. An Ning said that there are still some procedures to be done, so go to do the procedures."

"Procedure?" Ji Chicheng frowned and wondered.

Not all the procedures were completed yesterday.

Being puzzled, they suddenly called him again, "Daddy eat."

He smiled and stretched out his hand, touched the little girl's head, looked at the bowl in Ji Mingyue's hand, and asked one after another: "Did Mom have dinner?"


Ji Mingyue suddenly threw the spoon into the bowl heavily, as if finally could not bear it.

'Humph! ’

With a cold snort, he raised his head and said to Ji Chicheng: "Do you care about whether your daughter has breakfast or not."

My brother and my niece are in love, and they don’t shy away from her. It’s enough!

Ji Chicheng thought she was so angry, "Aren't you feeding me."

His tone was kind and coaxing.

Ji Mingyue then picked up the spoon again and continued to feed.

Ji Chicheng turned around, took out his mobile phone, dialed Ji Anning's number, put it to his ear, and walked towards the door.

‘Sorry, the phone you dialed is turned off...’

Still reminding him to shut down, he took off the phone and frowned at the phone screen.

At this moment, a young doctor in a white coat and a nurse came in at the door.

"Hello, Shao Ji."

Ji Chicheng raised his head and looked over. The young doctor was somewhat impressed that he was Doctor Zhou's apprentice. He put away his phone and watched them come.

"Dr. Zhou asked me to take a look at the situation. It's time to enter the operating room to prepare."

The young doctor walked to Ji Chicheng and smiled at him.

Ji Chicheng frowned a little displeased, "Where is Doctor Zhou?"

He even sent his apprentice over.

The young doctor explained with an apologetic look: "I'm really sorry, an emergency patient came suddenly, and he asked me to come and take a look first."