So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 863: Who is the cornea donor? (Seven)

It must be a big deal to make him so anxious.

Ji Anning didn't ask much, but it was so late, she was a little worried, "It will take more than an hour to get there, can you drive by yourself?"

She knew where the construction site was. It was out of the city for more than an hour without traffic jams at night.

Knowing that she was worried, Ji Chicheng reached out and touched her head, giving her a soothing look, "Sleep."

Then he went to the sofa to pick up his coat and hurried out.

"I know, slow down your journey."

Ji Anning escorted Ji Chicheng out the door, and only when she knew that his tall figure disappeared from her sight, she withdrew her worried gaze.

Turning around, looking at the huge ward, it suddenly became empty, and my heart was overwhelming.

It's so late, what happened on the construction site?

How can she sleep.

Ji Anning frowned, walked to the bed anxiously, glanced at the sleeping little girl, bent over and stretched out his hand to help her tuck the quilt corner.

Then picked up the phone and walked to the sofa to sit down.

'The Fuxing project, which has attracted everyone's attention some time ago, was launched on the 15th of last month. The project is currently in the foundation stage. Today, the chairman of Hai Rui Group Xin Xin Hailong personally went to the project site to conduct supervisory inspections, but during the inspection, he had an argument with several construction workers and moved his hands. Then the group was taken to the police station, and one of the workers with serious injuries was sent there. He was treated in the hospital, but was declared dead by the doctor at around 8 o'clock in the evening. ’

'After the doctor's initial diagnosis, it should be that the brain was injured during the fight, causing the brain's blood vessels to slowly crack. Since this is a joint project between JC and Hai Rui, it has attracted widespread attention. There are now a large number of reporters. Go to the project site to understand the situation at that time. ’


As soon as Ji Anning turned on the phone, she saw the news about the Fuxing Project. She was taken aback by surprise, and then quickly dialed Ji Chicheng’s number.

Her response was on the phone.

At this time, he should be very busy, so don't bother him.

Ji Anning did not continue to dial Ji Chicheng's number, and read the news just now.

The phone rang suddenly, and she glanced down at the caller ID. It was Haishi’s number, but not the number stored in her phone book.

Suspicious, she answered and put it to her ear, "Hello."

"it's me."

A familiar woman's voice came from the receiver.


It was Ji Mingyue. Ji Anning was a little surprised. Why did my sister call her so late.

Ji Mingyue said: "They will have surgery tomorrow, you take her to bed early."

It was so late, so I called her to sleep. Did she also know about the accident at the construction site? She was afraid that she was worried, so she called Ade.

Ji Anning thought about it and asked: "Sister, have you seen the news on the construction site? Do you know the situation?"

"It should be Xin Hailong who lost his hand. I don't know the current situation. It has nothing to do with J.C. Just go and deal with it. Just go to bed."

After hearing what Ji Mingyue said, Ji Anning felt a lot more relaxed, and she nodded, "I see, sister, go to bed earlier."

"Tomorrow morning I will go to the hospital with Mrs. Wu."

Ji Mingyue said again, before Ji Anning could say anything, she had already hung up over there.