So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 862: Who is the cornea donor? (six)

Ji Chicheng said: "But I don't feel right."

"What's wrong?" Ji Anning tried his best to hide his guilty conscience, and stayed up for another night.

She didn't know what Ji Chicheng felt was wrong, and she didn't dare to continue discussing this topic with him. She said: "We have been in contact with Doctor Zhou for a while, and he should be reliable."

After speaking, she turned and smiled and changed the subject, "Are you tired? I'll give you a massage."


Ji Chicheng was rarely excited, and led Ji Anning to the sofa and sat down.

Ji Anning climbed onto the sofa and sat on the back of the sofa, pressing a pair of small hands from Ji Chicheng's shoulders.

Ji Chicheng closed his eyes with enjoyment, and slowly leaned back, pressing Ji Anning.

"Uncle don't rely on it, it's pressing me down."

"It's pressed to me, uncomfortable."

Ji Anning clenched his fist, punched Ji Chicheng on the shoulder, and pushed him.

She was restless, Ji Chicheng had no patience, turned around and hugged her, threw her down and pressed her under him.

The big hand moved to her waist and touched directly into her clothes. Ji Anning felt itchy to death and laughed.


After laughing a few times, she thought about it, and quickly stopped the laughter, frowned and stared at Ji Chicheng, reminding him, "Stop making trouble, you should wake up in a while."

"Give birth to a younger brother." Ji Chicheng leaned over, his lips lightly pressed against Ji Anning's.

As if speaking against Ji Anning's heart, her heart trembled with his low voice.

Frozen, Ji Anning remembered something, "Oh, I haven't taken any medicine last night."

She wanted to get up, Ji Chicheng refused.

Just kiss her, "Um..."

"Uncle, we can't." Ji Anning gave up a lot of energy and pushed Ji Chicheng away. "When I was pregnant, I was really tangled and about to die. They are like this. I don't want to see it anymore. ."

Ji Chicheng looked at her affectionately, "Anning, the probability is not that high, but it is possible, and we are not so direct."

Every word of him made Ji Anning eager to move, even if she just stared at his deep eyes, it made her heart move, she wanted to give birth to him, give birth to many, many beautiful children like him.

"Then... Then wait until the operations are over."

Finally, Ji Anning was no longer so resolute. She bit her lip, hesitatingly said: "I will say if she is healthy now."

Even if they consider having a child again, it is not at this time. She will have a transplant tomorrow, and she must use drugs.


Ji Chicheng did not force Ji Anning, nodded, and kissed the corner of her mouth, "You should be in the safe period these days, and you don't need to take medicine."

It means that the past last night is over, no medicine is needed.

After speaking, he straightened up and sat up.

Ji Anning got up, wiped the saliva from her lips, and stared at the man with her mouth pouting: "Actually, you didn't want me to take medicine at all. You coaxed me last night.

Ji Chicheng smiled slyly.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

He took it out, looked at the caller ID, frowned, and answered the phone.

Fearing to wake up, he got up and walked towards the door of the room.

"Who is in charge there?"

"Let Jiang Zhilong deal with it first."

I don't know what the other party said, just listen to Ji Chicheng's voice getting more and more nervous, and Ji Anning also becomes nervous.

She got up and followed. Just two steps later, Ji Chicheng came in again and hurriedly said to Ji Anning: "Something happened at the Fuxing construction site. I will make arrangements and come back. You go to bed early and don't wait for me. "