So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 864: Who is the cornea donor? (Eight)

Hearing the busy tone of ‘toot’, Ji Anning took the phone away from his ear, frowning slightly.

Hey, manslaughter, a life, and the legal responsibility to be borne.


"I didn't hit him, I just tugged. My secretary was by the side. You can ask him if you don't believe me.

"Those guys are obviously fine looking for trouble. When the argument is over, I have to leave. They still insisted on arguing with me, squirting dung."

In the police station, Xin Hailong never admitted that he was the one who beat him, whether facing the police or facing Ji Chicheng and Xin Xiaoxiao.

At the end, he exploded with foul language.

"Exactly, I really don't look down on migrant workers, but these few are of poor quality. I really don't know where the idiot Manager Wang came from. These are construction workers. They are obviously local rascals."

Ji Chicheng sat opposite Xin Hailong, staring at him, but said nothing from beginning to end.

After Xin Hailong cursed for a while, he stopped to look at Ji Chicheng, his arrogance went down, "What's the situation on the construction site now?"

Ji Chicheng faintly replied: "A bunch of reporters are there."

"Heh, the noses of those media are really better than dog noses." Xin Hailong smiled sarcastically, as if he couldn't swallow his breath, he suddenly got up, grabbed the chair he was sitting on, and smashed it fiercely. Go to the wall, "He~ Mom~."

"what are you doing?"

The police monitored and observed Xin Hailong's violent actions outside and immediately came in to reprimand him.

"sorry Sorry."

Xin Xiaoxiao, who was sitting next to Ji Chicheng, quickly got up, apologized to the police, and then gave Xin Hailong a reproachful look, "Dad, can you calm down?"

At this moment, Ji Chicheng stood up suddenly, turned and walked outside the interrogation room.

"Ji Chicheng, where are you going." Xin Xiaoxiao wanted to catch up, but was not worried about her father, "Dad, you have a peace of mind, I will find a way."

Turning around and exhorting Xin Hailong, Xin Xiaoxiao quickly caught up with Ji Chicheng, followed behind him, and asked anxiously: "What should I do, will Ji Chicheng my father go to jail?"

"If the other party's death was caused by him, it will be." Ji Chicheng turned his head and glanced at Xin Xiaoxiao. He did not stop, walked into the hall and walked straight to the gate.

Xin Xiaoxiao heard what Ji Chicheng said and was stunned, "It's over, what should I do if my dad is going to jail? I don't want my dad to go to jail."

As she spoke, her eyes reddened and she was about to cry immediately.

However, Ji Chicheng kept walking forward, as if he didn't want to worry about it. Xin Xiaoxiao was anxious and reached out and grabbed his arm, "Ji Chicheng, you can help me. How can I keep my father out of jail?"

Ji Chicheng frowned, stopped, and looked down at the position on his arm where Xin Xiaoxiao was grasping.

Xin Xiaoxiao immediately let go, "If you don't need your help, just tell me, what should I do now?"

"Find a lawyer."

Ji Chicheng replied Xin Xiaoxiao, then raised his foot and continued down the steps.

"it is good."

Xin Xiaoxiao nodded, did not follow, standing on the steps, reaching out and rubbing his eyes.

Wu Tezhu followed Ji Chicheng and looked back at Xin Xiaoxiao. He was a little unbearable. He approached Ji Chicheng and asked in a low voice, "Little Master, are you really not helping Miss Xin?"

Ji Chicheng said lightly: "We are just looking for a lawyer."