So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 861: Who is the cornea donor? (Fives)

Wu Tezhu smiled, so dare you say this.

"Uncle, you tell him now that you have something, let him send me." Xin Xiaoxiao suddenly stopped, on a whim, wanting Ji Chicheng to send him.

Even if Ji Chicheng agreed with this old man, his old man couldn't agree.

Wu Te replied, "Ms. Xin, there will be operations tomorrow. Our young master will go to the hospital to accompany her in a while, so there is really no time. My old man will give you the same."

Upon hearing this, Xin Xiaoxiao asked excitedly: "Are you going to have surgery? Have you found the cornea?"

Wu Tezhu nodded, "Yes."

"Great." Xin Xiaoxiao showed a petting smile on his face, "Tomorrow I will go to see the little guy. I haven't seen him for many days. I really miss her a little bit, little."

Wu Te helped pursing his lips, thinking that he could not speak as much as possible, so as to complete his task as soon as possible.


"It's all pretty good, and I have a good rest tonight."

Before they got off work, the attending doctors came to take a look at the situation of Ji Anning and Ji Anning. He looked at Ji Anning's eyes, and he couldn't bear to lower his eyes, "Sleep well, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"I see, tomorrow..."

Ji Anning nodded, just about to say something, a tall figure came in at the door, and she quickly took back what she was about to say.

Smiling and looking at the man entering the door, "Uncle, you are here."

Doctor Zhou also turned around and saw Ji Chicheng, he nodded slightly, "Ji Shao."

Ji Chicheng also nodded, looking at the bed, they were already asleep, with his eyes closed, sleeping peacefully.

The corners of his mouth can't help but rise.

When Doctor Zhou saw that Ji Chicheng had returned, he had already said what he had said, and he could not say what he hadn't said.

"Then I get off work first, see you tomorrow."

Say hello to Ji Chicheng, and then he nodded softly to Ji Anning.

Ji Anning followed him, drove him to the door, closed the door, and turned around. Ji Chicheng took off his jacket, walked to the bed, and leaned over to kiss each other's heads.

The scent of milk on the little guy is always reassuring and satisfying.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly.

When Ji Anning watched that scene, her heart melted warmly. She walked over slowly, walked behind Ji Chicheng, and hugged him.

"Uncle." She pressed her face to Ji Chicheng's back.

Through a thin layer of shirt fabric, she could clearly feel his body temperature and hear his heartbeat.

Really like it, like this feeling so much, like him so much.

"What?" Ji Chicheng straightened up a little, turned his head and looked at the little woman who was suddenly acting like a baby behind him, with a touch of pampering at the corner of his mouth.

Ji Anning pursed her lips, tilted her neck to look at him, smiling mischievously, "Have you eaten?"

"Eat." Ji Chicheng turned around, facing Ji Anning, cupped her face with both hands, his eyes suddenly became serious.

The serious Ji Anning was a little guilty, and subconsciously avoided his gaze.

Ji Chicheng suddenly reached out and touched Ji Anning's head, gently comforting her, "Don't be nervous, the surgeries will be successful."

Ji Anning didn't expect that after he was so serious, he would appease.

She looked up at him.

Ji Chicheng remembered something, and then asked: "Did Dr. Zhou have anything to do with you about donors?"

"No." Ji Anning avoided his black eyes with a guilty conscience, took his hand, and walked to the sofa and said: "What's the matter? Isn't it that the donor's family is unwilling to disclose information?" End of chapter content -->