So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 860: Who is the cornea donor? (four)

Xin Xiaoxiao nodded gratefully, "Thank you, uncle."

Wu Te helped smile, holding his mobile phone, dialing and walking to the window, "Manager Wang, is the start of work going well?"

"I want to ask if Chairman Xin is on the construction site?"


"I know."

The expression on Xin Xiaoxiao's face changed step by step with the expression on Wu Tezhu's face. I don't know what the project manager said to Wu Tezhu.

I saw his tone getting more and more tense, and his voice getting louder.

When he hung up, Xin Xiaoxiao immediately walked over and asked nervously, "Uncle, is my dad on the construction site?"

"Don't worry." Wu Tezhu smiled and comforted Xin Xiaoxiao, "Chairman Xin did go to the construction site in the afternoon, but because of a little incident, he went to the police station now, nothing serious."

Into the police station?

Xin Xiaoxiao frowned, "Why?"

Without waiting for Special Assistant Wu to answer, she went on to ask: "What crime did my dad commit? Prostitution--Did you?"

"If it's a prostitute—I won't go to prostitution, let him stay in there for two days."

Wu Tezhu looked at Xin Xiaoxiao who was talking to himself, his mouth twitched. Is this really his biological daughter?

And the girl's character is too heroic and too man, she is really speechless.

Wu Tezhu thought for a while, found a moment, and interrupted Xin Xiaoxiao’s speech, “Miss Xin, it’s not what you think. It was a quarrel with the construction workers on the construction site, and then moved his hands. Detained in the police station."

Hearing that, Xin Xiaoxiao frowned again and complained, "This old man, who is a lot older, is still dealing with people, which is really worrying. I will vouch for him, thank you, uncle."

Thanks to Wu Te's help, she turned around to leave.

Suddenly, she thought of some important question, turned around and looked at Ji Chicheng and asked, "By the way, where is the construction site?"

Ji Chicheng: "..."

He was speechless to Xin Tong's shoes. There were two people in this world, and he couldn't do anything about them.

One was the dead old man Char, and the other was the annoying girl in front of him.

No matter how you abuse or abuse.

Really responded to that sentence, people are shameless and invincible.

He didn't want to look at Xin Xiaoxiao anymore, and waved to Wu Tezhu, "You accompany her."

Xin Xiaoxiao laughed, "It's still my ex-boyfriend who cares about me, worrying that it is not safe for me to go out at night as a female."

As she said, she blew another kiss to Ji Chicheng, "Mmm..."

Wu Tezhu looked at Ji Chicheng's expression and urged Xin Xiaoxiao quickly, "Miss Xin, let's go."

"Uncle, Ji Chicheng really robbed his nephew?"

After leaving the house, Xin Xiaoxiao began to gossip about Ji Chicheng, and asked Wu Tezhu curiously.

Fearing that his old man would not understand, she changed her question again, "Did they love each other very much in the first place, or did Ji Chicheng grab the love?"

Of course, Wu Tezhu did not want to answer her question. He pretended not to hear, and asked, "Miss Xin, did you drive by yourself?"

"Yes." Xin Xiaoxiao nodded, repeating the question very persistently, "Are they really in love?"

Wu Te helped shame.

I thought this lady, shouldn't you care about your father's situation at the police station at this time?

There was no way, so he nodded and answered perfunctorily, "Yes, they love each other very much."

"Oh" Xin Xiaoxiao curled her lips, raised her head to the sky, and said as she walked: "In fact, Ji Chicheng is really good. It's good everywhere. It's just too pretentious."