So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 859: Who is the cornea donor? (three)

Ji Jingfeng frowned, "Mr. Char, how can I have so much cash in my hand now."

Charl didn't want to go around with him anymore, and said directly: "Then use the shares to offset it. Don't take too much of the shares you have acquired."

"Mr. Char."

Ji Jingfeng stared at Char.

He even wanted shares of J.C.

Char shrugged and said: "I have no interest in J.C. Just like you, I can't understand which little handsome guy. You pledge your shares to me. You can take it with you when you have money."


Ji Jingfeng now wanted to suppress Ji Chicheng with all his heart, so he was a little shaken.

But I am afraid, after all, it is J.C's shares.

Seeing his hesitation, Char reminded him, “Ji Chicheng owns two major shopping websites abroad, and his income is beyond your imagination. He wants to buy 6% of Yang Danning’s shares at four times the price. Up."

Ji Jingfeng knew about Ji Chicheng's other industries abroad.

Indeed, if he wants to compete with him for shares in Yang Danning's hands, he can indeed afford the high price.

No, he must not let Ji Chicheng succeed.

Ji Jingfeng clenched his fists bitterly, gritted his teeth, nodded and agreed to Char, "Okay! I will transfer 8% of the shares to you as collateral first."

Charl smiled, "I still prefer young people who are more refreshing."


"Send this out."

"Got it."

Ji Chicheng was in a meeting with a few people in his office.

The door suddenly opened, and a tall figure walked in fiercely. Ji Chicheng raised his head and wrung his brow coldly.

"Ji Chi City."

"Miss Xin."

Wu Tezhu glanced at Ji Chicheng's face, and hurriedly greeted him to stop Xin Xiaoxiao, "Do you have anything to do with our young master?"

Xin Xiaoxiao was stopped by Wu Tezhu, turned his head and looked at Ji Chicheng and asked, "Did you contact our old man today?"

Ji Chicheng ignored her coldly.

Wu Tezhu smiled and said, "Miss Xin, I haven't contacted Chairman Xin today. Is there anything wrong?"

His answer was not perfunctory Xin Xiaoxiao, he had been with Ji Chicheng all day, and indeed he had never seen Ji Chicheng contact her father.

"How is your project progressing? My dad talked to him on the phone at noon today and said that he was checking on the construction site of your project. He came back to eat dinner with me in the evening, but I can't contact him now.

Xin Xiaoxiao's face with heavy make-up is rare and anxious.

Hearing this, Wu Te helped: "Perhaps Chairman Xin is busy with something right now. Ms. Xin, why not go home first and so on."

"Impossible." Xin Xiaoxiao pouted and said, "From childhood to age, although my dad didn't care about me much, he never stopped answering my phone. He would answer it at any time, even if he was having **** with a wild woman outside. Hey, he will answer my phone. Now not only is he not answering the phone, but his secretary can't get through."

Wu Te's mouth twitched, and his old face showed embarrassment.

Not knowing how to answer Xin Xiaoxiao, he once again set his sights on Ji Chicheng.

Xin Xiaoxiao followed along and looked over, "Ji Chicheng, please help me contact the people on the construction site and ask if my father is still on the construction site. If he left, when did he leave."

Ji Chicheng gave Wu Te a wink.

Wu Te helped me understand, and turned his head and said to Xin Xiaoxiao: "Miss Xin, wait a moment, I happen to know your project manager, I will call for you to ask."