So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 858: Who is the cornea donor? (two)

Heh, would there be no Ji Anning without him?

He is him, and no one wants to arrange or control his fate in the future.

After calming down, he reached out and turned on the computer to connect to the video.

"Hello, this is Mr. Char's secretary Rose."

A beautiful foreign woman appeared on the screen.

Ji Jingfeng said: "Help me pick up Mr. Char."

Hearing that, Char appeared in the screen, Ji Jingfeng said anxiously: "Mr. Char, the Ma family failed again. Ji Chicheng didn't know what to show Yang Danning, Yang Danning changed his mind."

He gritted his teeth angrily.

Char did not rush back to him, "I expected it."

After that, he raised his eyelids lazily, glanced at Ji Jingfeng, and added, "So compared to Ji Chicheng, you are a thousand miles away."

Ji Jingfeng clenched his fists with both hands, very unwilling, very dissatisfied, how could he not compare to Ji Chicheng?

If he had been the same as Ji Chicheng since he was a child, he would do whatever he wanted, without restriction or arrangement. He had his experience, and now he must have stepped him under his feet.

But now he is no worse than him. He holds nearly 40% of the shares. Ji Chicheng only holds 30%. In the company, he still holds him down.

Thinking this way, he felt much better.

I couldn't help but feel proud and looked at Char in the video: "Mr. Char, you have to have confidence in me. We are now in the same boat."

Char sneered, "My kid, you dare to climb high."

He even dared to say that they were in a boat and tried to threaten him.

Char ridiculed Ji Jingfeng. Seeing that Ji Jingfeng's face became uglier than pig liver, a sneer evoked at the corner of his mouth, and then he said: "The Yang family has been weakened as early as last year. Now the Yang family is just an empty shell. Say, still in debt, do you think their brains are convulsed and they are trying to marry their daughter?"

"The Ma family is also a pig brain, 6% of J.C shares, enough to fill the Yang family's shortfall."

Upon hearing this, Ji Jingfeng stared and asked in surprise, "You mean Ji Chicheng threatened Yang Danning with this?"

So even if it wasn't for him to cooperate, Yang Danning would ask the Ma family for a 6% share the day before the wedding.

Charl returned him irresponsibly, "Nine in ten."

Ji Jingfeng laughed happily, "Great, then we can also use this to threaten Yang Danning. If she doesn't sell us the shares, we will tell Ma Wenwen about their bankruptcy and debts."

"What about the evidence?"

Charl looked at Ji Jingfeng with ‘you are stupid’ on his face.

Ji Jingfeng was taken aback. This was indeed a problem. The woman Yang Danning had a deep mind. If there is no evidence, she would definitely not take his threat.

Thinking of him, he asked Char again, "Mr. Char, do you have evidence, right?"

"I have evidence, but..."

Char's voice pretended to pause.

Ji Jingfeng looked at him, knowing that he was about to negotiate terms, he did not speak, stared at him and continued.

Char said: "I help you so, what if you cross the river and demolish the bridge in the end?"

"No." Ji Jingfeng shook his head and promised, "I will listen to you Mr. Char from now on."

Charlene said: "Why don't you give me back what I previously lent you to buy shares and investment projects, and I will consider whether to help you."