So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 857: Who is the cornea donor? (One)

Hurry up to urge Ji Chicheng, "Uncle, go with Wu Te help, I can arrange it myself."

Ji Chicheng looked at the people sitting on the bed and flipping through the books. After changing the environment, the little girl was also very comfortable. Only then did he take the lead with confidence, "Call me if you have anything."

"Got it."

Ji Anning sent Ji Chicheng to the door, and suddenly stretched out his hand to hold him, "Uncle."

Ji Chicheng turned to look at her.

Her bright eyes and gleaming eyes opened her mouth, and then smiled with her lips bent, "There will be operations tomorrow, and the operation will be successful."

"Yeah." Ji Chicheng reached out to Ji Anning's head and rubbed it, "Don't be nervous."

Ji Anning pressed her lips tightly and nodded.

She leaned on the door frame and watched Ji Chicheng's tall figure disappear. She moved her lips and muttered to herself.

Tomorrow's surgery will be successful.

They will definitely use her eyes to look at the future world instead of her.


"Keep a close eye on me and tell Liu Mingwei that if you don't sign the contract today, you will send the photo to his house."

"Long snacks, you guys."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Jingfeng raised the phone, just about to smash it to vent.

There was a knock on the door suddenly, interrupting his violent temper.

He put down his raised hand, pulled his tie irritably, and responded coldly, "Come in."

The people outside got his permission and opened the door to come in. When he saw the person coming, he stretched his face and asked irritably, "Mom, why are you here?"

Yang Yufang heard that Ji Jingfeng's tone was wrong, and asked concerned: "What's wrong? Have you encountered any troubles?"

Ji Jingfeng was very annoying, and his tone was naturally aggressive, "Is it useful to tell you something that is bothering me?"

Yang Yufang frowned unhappy, "You kid, what am I doing?"

Ji Jingfeng knew he was out of control, and his tone eased a little bit, "What's the matter?"

Seeing that he didn't want to mention the things that upset him, Yang Yufang didn't ask him again.

Then talk about the purpose of her coming today, "Jing Feng, let me ask An Ning, why hasn't she gone home recently."

It's better not to mention Ji Anning. I mention it. Ji Jingfeng is even more angry. "Mom, Anning doesn't have you in her heart. She is now uniting with Ji Chicheng to deal with me, and you are still thinking about what she is doing."

Yang Yufang frowned, "What are you talking about? She is my daughter, I don't think about her, who am I thinking about?"

Her posture was very upright, especially when she said ‘she is my daughter’, her voice was particularly loud, as if she was warning Ji Jingfeng to remember her identity.

Ji Jingfeng sneered, "Heh, I'm afraid they don't want to recognize you."

Yang Yufang also lowered his face and warned him coldly, "Jing Feng, if you want to cross the river and demolish the bridge, I will never spare you when the time comes."

These days, Ji Jingfeng has had enough of threats and frustrations.

He felt that he was about to explode, and he reached out and pushed all the things on the table to the ground, and shouted: "Okay, can you stop bothering me? You should die together."

Yang Yufang was shocked by his appearance and took two steps back.

"Well, you are on the fire now, I won't tell you, but what I said, please remember, there will be no peace without you."

Her attitude is still very clear. In her mind, Ji Anning is the most important.

After speaking, she turned around coldly and left.

Ji Jingfeng sneered looking at Yang Yufang's back.