So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 856: Who sent a box of TT? (three)

"Don't believe my ability?"

Ji Chicheng raised his brow lightly, sending out a dangerous signal.

Ji Anning quickly threw away the condom in her hand, her face was so hot, this guy was really getting more and more rascal.

"what are you doing?"

Ji Chicheng sniffed, and a scent floated out of the kitchen.

After asking, before Ji Anning could respond, he got up and ran to the kitchen.

"Suck, the eggs are battered."

Ji Anning remembered that she was frying eggs just now.

Ji Chicheng ran into the kitchen, and the fried eggs had become black eggs. Ji Chicheng quickly turned off the fire.

The hood is turned to maximum and the windows are open.

The pot was still red, as if it was on fire. Ji Anning went over and was about to pick it up and rinse with the tap water. Ji Chicheng scolded, "Don't move."

But Ji Anning's hand had already touched the handle of the pot. She heard a stab when it was hot, and she cried out in pain, ‘ah’.

Withdrawing his hand, the tips of his **** were red.

Ji Chicheng quickly put down the rag in his hand, grabbed Ji Anning's hand to check, "Let you stay still."

He made a distressed reproach.

Then he lowered his head and stretched out his tongue to lick the soft tongue where Ji Anning was hot.

It's like licking on the tip of Ji Anning's heart, itchy, numb, and it doesn't hurt at all.

She looked at his distressed look of her, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help raising, and she was a little obsessed with happiness.

After licking for a while, Ji Chicheng raised his head, "Go and apply some scald ointment by yourself..."

Before he finished speaking, Ji Anning suddenly stepped on his feet, kissed lightly on his lips, and then turned around in shame.

"I'm going to put on ointment."

Seeing her running away, Ji Chicheng was stunned and reacted, a touch of gentleness spread across the corners of his mouth, stretched out his tongue, and licked the lips that she had just kissed.

Is this a benefit?

After all, Ji Anning children's shoes take the initiative very few times.

Ji Anning originally wanted to make a loving breakfast for Ji Chicheng and one after another before she was admitted to the hospital, but she did not expect to be self-defeating.

In the end, Ji Chicheng made the cooking himself.

This time, there were many operations, and I had to stay in the hospital for many days, and the things I had to bring were stuffed into the trunk.

After Wu Tezhu put their luggage away, he walked to Ji Chicheng and whispered in his ear: "Little master, the courier has found out who sent it."

Ji Chicheng cast him a puzzled look, and Wu Tezhu lowered his voice again, "Miss Xin."

"What are you talking about?"

Ji Anning came out of the house in a hug, and saw Wu Tezhu whispering in Ji Chicheng's ear, Ji Chicheng's face was not so good-looking, she asked curiously.

Wu Tezhu straightened up immediately and bends to Ji Anning respectfully, "Miss Anning is early."

"Ji Anning, what's in your bag?"

When Ji Chicheng saw Ji Anning, he noticed that the big bag she was carrying was bulging inside.

Ji Anning dodged with guilty eyes, shook his head, "Nothing."

"Get in the car."

Ji Chicheng saw Ji Anning's guilty conscience in his eyes, did not question her, glanced at her bag again, greeted her faintly, then turned and pulled the door and got into the car.

Ji Anning breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, he didn't come to check.

She clamped the bag and then got into the car.

Arrangements have already been made in the hospital, and the beds are replaced with their own sheets.

Wu Tezhu waited for Ji Chicheng at the door, looking anxious, there should be something urgent.