So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 855: Who sent a box of TT? (two)


Surgery will be required tomorrow and will be admitted to the hospital today. Ji Anning got up very early.

She was preparing breakfast in the kitchen when the doorbell suddenly heard outside.

She opened the kitchen door and looked outside. Ji Chicheng had opened the door and saw him carry a box in.

"Uncle, what did you buy early in the morning?" Ji Anning looked at the box in Ji Chicheng's hand and asked curiously.

Ji Chicheng frowned, "You didn't buy it?"

This is weird, who bought it?

Ji Anning was curious and still had a shovel in her hand. Apart from the kitchen, she walked to Ji Chicheng and looked at the big box he was holding. She tapped with the shovel.

Asked Ji Chicheng: "Uncle, is this sinking?"

"It's okay." Ji Chicheng replied, bending over and putting the big box on the ground, and began to unpack the box.

Ji Anning quickly squatted down and reached out to grab Ji Chicheng's wrist to stop him, "Uncle, don't open it easily, I don't know who sent it."

Few people knew about the place she lived, and it was even more unlikely that her fans would know.

What if it is a bomb.

Ji Chicheng saw what she was thinking, and raised her eyebrows amusedly, "Have persecution delusions?"

"Oh." Ji Anning curled his mouth, retracted his hand, and squatted beside Ji Chicheng like a curious baby, stretching his head to see the result.

The box is opened, there is also a colorful box with the Logo on it, Durex...


Who sent this? Find a box that doesn't fit well, get a condom box, I'm really drunk.

Ji Anning was complaining about the wrong box used by the person who sent the goods. Ji Chicheng had already opened the inner layer of boxes, and seeing the contents inside, Ji Anning was hoarse.


She pointed at the contents of the box and looked suspiciously at the man beside her, "Uncle, you really didn't buy this?"

The tone and expression are full of I don't believe it.


Ji Chicheng smiled meaningfully, and did not answer Ji Anning's words.

Ji Anning looked away from his face, and glanced at the box of condoms with various flavors, models and functions.

The vibrating ring brings you infinite happiness~ feeling...

Seeing the slogan above, her face flushed red, her lips pouted and she was so depressed, "You are so bored, why are you buying so many of these things?"

Ji Chicheng took out a box, looked around, then forgot to throw it in the box, "Keep it and use it slowly."

It seems that he really bought it. This guy is really...even if you have money, you can't spend so much. Buy a box of condoms. I have never seen it.

Ji Anning complained about Ji Chicheng in his heart, then rolled his eyes and asked him, "Is there no expiration date?"

After asking, she reached out and picked up a box and looked at it. Before she could find the expiration date, Ji Chicheng approached her ear and said, "Then use it as soon as possible, and use it before the expiration date."

"I rub!" Ji Anning saw the expiration date and exploded.

Ji Chicheng frowned, with a slight warning, "What did you say Ji Anning?"

Ji Anning's appearance has always been a good girl, and this is also the first time she has spoken in front of Young Master Ji.

In this regard, he is still relatively traditional, and thinks that what girls should be reserved is to be reserved.

Ji Anning stuck out his tongue and quickly turned Ji Chicheng's attention away, "The shelf life is two years. You will need to use it in two years..."

Before she could finish her words, Ji Chicheng interrupted her and corrected: "It's us."

"Oh." Ji Anning nodded, and asked in horror: "We need to use so much?"