So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 854: Who sent a box of TT? (One)

When it comes to this, Ji Jingfeng feels upset, and his hatred for Ji Chicheng has become more than three points.

The project that J.C and Hai Rui are currently cooperating with was originally his first project, and Hai Rui’s boss intends to marry the Ji family, which means he wants him to marry Xin Xiaoxiao.

Unexpectedly, Ji Chicheng got the message from it, and immediately intercepted this project in his name.

During this period, it only took less than half a month.

Ji Jingfeng hid his hatred and smiled back to Xin Xiaoxiao, "Who said no, it's a pity that Miss Xin and I don't have that fate."

"Hey, but I feel very fortunate, after all, I force the grid to be so high."

Xin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes and looked at the sky proudly, "Forget it, I won't bother you two discussing conspiracies, after all, I am a busy man with everything."

After speaking, she twisted her waist and walked past Jing Feng.

Suddenly, she thought of something again, stopped, turned her head and looked at Ji Jingfeng and Yang Danning with a smile, "Why don't you two each give me a big red envelope of 88,000."

Yang Danning snorted coldly, "Dreaming."

Xin Xiaoxiao nodded unhurriedly, "Okay, then I'll just buy the shares at three times the price of what I heard just now, and what's in the red envelope, I will tell tonight intact. Bridegroom, I will remind my ex-boyfriend that you are calculating him."

Hearing this, Yang Danning gritted his teeth and stared, "You..."

Ji Jingfeng laughed, "It's easy to say, on such a happy day, isn't it right for Miss Yang to give red envelopes."


Yang Danning couldn't bear this tone, but he did have a handle in his hands.

She snorted coldly, waved away and left the stall for Ji Jingfeng to clean up.

"I'm waiting for your big red envelope in the lobby." Xin Xiaoxiao blinked at Ji Jingfeng, then turned away.

Ji Jingfeng looked at her slender back, gritted his teeth, and a vicious flash of eyes flashed.


The wedding banquet did not end until after eleven o'clock.

The bridegroom was naturally not immune. He was drunk. He was lying on Yang Danning's back, his thin body was heavy, and Yang Danning was not upset.

"The red envelope Ji Chicheng gave us today hasn't been opened yet." Ma Dong said drunkly, reaching for the bag slung on Yang Danning's shoulder.

Yang Danning clamped the bag with his arm, "Why, that broken red envelope, are you embarrassed to ask me for it?"

They talked and walked to the room.

Ma Dong sneered, "Heh, aren't you curious?"

The tone of yin and yang was strange, as if there was something in the words, Yang Danning was guilty of listening and became more irritable.

She turned her head and stared at the drunk man behind her, "What do you mean, Ma Dong?"

"Ji Chicheng and his niece are very affectionate, what can I mean? You are too sensitive."

While they were talking, the two had reached the door of the room.

Ma Dong took the room card, opened the door, pushed Yang Dan into the room, turned and pressed her against the wall.

"Yang Danning, no matter who you were thinking about before you got married, even if you pretend after you get married, you must pretend to abide by women's way."

After warning, he bowed his head and kissed Yang Danning's lips fiercely.


Yang Danning put his hands against Ma Dong's chest and was about to resist. Suddenly, in his mind, the lists that were stuffed in the red envelope by the Seminary Chicheng were enough to destroy their Yang family's data.

She hesitated, put her hands down, moved to the man's waist, and hugged.

The bright eyes stared bitterly, very unwilling.

(Hahaha, look at the title... The goddesses’ monthly ticket is very powerful at the moment, and finally got rid of the previous one, but there is a difference of more than 900 votes from the previous one, so I don’t want it anymore. Everyone try to help Yang keep Now, today I have changed nine chapters. I haven’t taken a shower yet, and I was scared by a little friend that I can’t take a shower after 11 o’clock tonight. For the sake of Brother Yang who wants to sleep in a sweaty sweat, the ticket will continue...)