So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 842: Trade a man (9)

She Barabara kept talking, Ji Chicheng stopped and raised his eyebrows at Wu Te, "Wu Te, is it annoying to not see me?"

Wu Tezhu did not dare to neglect for a moment, and immediately walked up to Xin Xiaoxiao and nodded to her, "Miss Xin, you are the core of Hai Rui, go back to work quickly."

As an ‘old driver’ who deals with troubles, it’s a routine to be courteous and then to fight.

People like Xin Xiaoxiao are chattering on the surface, seemingly nervous, but they know how to measure.

She knew that Ji Chicheng had reached her limit, so she closed it as soon as she saw him, and went down the steps provided by Wu Te.

"Uncle really has good eyesight, and he can tell that I am the core of Hai Rui."

She straightened her chest out awe-inspiringly, then reached out and patted Wu Tezhu's shoulder, raised her eyebrows at him, "Uncle, I am optimistic about you."

Wu Tezhu: "..."

Listening to Xin Xiaoxiao's footsteps away, Wu Te froze for a while, and shook his head amusedly, "This Miss Xin is kind of interesting."

Ji Chicheng glanced at him, "Do you want to remarry?"

Wu Tezhu's face blushed, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

The joke you made, young master, is really not funny at all.

Ji Chicheng's footsteps went straight into the center of the banquet hall. He was dressed in a straight suit and was more than 1.8 meters tall. When he stood in the crowd, the surrounding homosexuals immediately faded and became an inconspicuous foil.

"Young Master Ji, what a rare guest."

"Nice to meet you."

Many people came forward to greet Ji Chicheng with their wine glasses.

In fact, he rarely shows his face in public. In recent months, he and Qi Helian have spread homosexual scandals, and he has frequently appeared in the news headlines after he disclosed his relationship with Ji Anning not long ago.

But this is the first time many people have seen him as a real person, so most people guessed the identity of Ji Chicheng based on their familiarity with Wu Tezhu who has been with the old man for decades.

"Young Master, this is President Mao of R Group."

"This is President Jiang from XX Group."

"this is……"

Wu Teshou introduced Ji Chicheng one by one to the group of people who came to greet him. Some people were known to Ji Chicheng, and some he had no impression.

Anyway, they are all famous people in the market.

When Wu Tezhu introduced him, Ji Chicheng looked at that person, which was regarded as a greeting.

The look is very natural and indifferent.

For Ji Chicheng, everyone has only heard about him and knows how arrogant he is, but they are not familiar with him. Everyone just chats with Wu Tezhu, in order to hope Wu Tezhu will thread the needle.

"It is said that J.C and Hai Rui's project in Fuxing is in charge of Master Ji Xiao, which is really surprising."

"Don't talk about the approval document for that project, it's probably not easy to take down that piece of land."

"Yes, it's all made by our little master." Wu Tezhu nodded, holding Ji Chicheng while not forgetting to be low-key and humble, "The current progress is going well."

Hearing this, several people couldn't help but look at Ji Chicheng differently.

"Sure enough, the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward."

"I heard that I started my own business when I was a teenager, and I really deserved my reputation as a general."

Ji Chicheng put his hands in his trouser pockets, listening to the people's flattery, he was really bored, so he looked around.

Finally, when Wu Tezhu flicked the group away, they continued to move forward.

"Is that how old men came here before?"

The two walked well, Ji Chicheng glanced at Wu Tezhu and asked.