So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 841: Trade a man for a man (8)

She will never forget, she mustered up the courage and walked to the boy to confess, and the boy just glanced at her faintly, and walked past her without even footsteps Pause.

Turning around, she saw that he was standing under the big tree, looking at another girl from a distance.

A girl who can't compare anywhere.

That day, she also brought the girls who fudged her. It was the first time in her life that Ji Xiangting felt insulted, and for the first time someone stepped on her self-esteem.

Now that she has touched her again, how can she swallow it with this breath?


Because of the marriage of the two wealthy families of Ma and Yang, the entire Hai Rui Hotel is full of festive flavor.

The employees of Hai Rui Hotel, from the general manager to the cleaning, all received wedding candy.

There are also countless luxury cars parked at the door.

"Here, here, and here, I have to wipe it all over again."

The woman with heavy makeup but not coquettish, dressed in Hai Rui's overalls, with the general manager's sign on her chest, personally arranged work outside the wedding hall.

The chirping Xin Xiaoxiao in peacetime has a completely different style of painting.

She was at the entrance of the wedding banquet hall, after explaining her work, she raised her head, froze for a moment, then curled her lips and smiled.

The tall man in a suit and leather shoes walked in this direction. His handsome face was indifferent that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

When he approached, she twisted her waist and eagerly greeted him, "Oh, isn't this my ex-boyfriend? It's been a long time since I saw him. This handsome face makes me want to die."

Wu Tezhe, who was following Ji Chicheng, twitched his mouth and hurriedly looked up at the sky.

Dare to molest their young master like this, the first female hooligan in the aristocratic circle, really is not a vain name.

Ji Chicheng's face was cold, without even looking at Xin Xiaoxiao, his long legs walked past her at a normal pace.

Xin Xiaoxiao suddenly turned around and reached out to hold his arm, "Don't be so merciless, okay? Anyway, you have taken the initiative to hug me and kiss me..."

Ji Chicheng tilted his head, a cold eye glanced at Xin Xiaoxiao, forcing her to cut off.

Xin Xiaoxiao felt guilty, and quickly added, "Although it is a borrowing."

While talking, she took away the hand holding Ji Chicheng's arm, and then patted him on his arm like a dogleg, pretending to tidy up his clothes.

Ji Chicheng was very disgusted, "Xin Xiaoxiao, the door is there."

He glanced at the direction of the door and said coldly to Xin Xiaoxiao.

The meaning is obvious, he doesn't want to see her, she can go.

Xin Xiaoxiao replied amused: "This is my hotel, can I still know where the door is?"

After speaking, she ignored Ji Chicheng's black face, and then annoyed him, "Why didn't you bring your little daughter-in-law here today? You are all right here, you are so lonely."

She also swept around the entire banquet hall with her hands.

It's really all right, even the gray-haired old man has a wife by his side.

Ji Chicheng ignored her and continued to walk forward.

Xin Xiaoxiao followed him, "Hey, for the sake of our short couple of days of love, I will change my clothes now and spend this lonely night with you."

"Next time your company is doing something, remember to take care of my business."

"By the way, how was the project you and my dad worked on?"

"Without our relationship, the procedure is much more cumbersome, right?"

(Remember to vote, babies, I watched it, and I got closer to the last one. It seems that there are still more than a dozen votes. The competition is so cruel. In this society, I am considering whether to become a monk and stay away from the world... For dirty articles, please vote for me......)