So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 843: Trade a man (ten)

Wu Tezhu was a little confused, raised his head and looked at Ji Chicheng suspiciously. Ji Chicheng did not explain to him. His old man pondered for a long time before he figured out what Ji Chicheng meant.

It turned out to refer to the situation where someone was blocking and flattering just now. He nodded, "Yes."

After speaking, he looked at Ji Chicheng's face, Ji Chicheng's expression seemed to say: It's boring.

Khan, do you think anyone can do whatever they want with technology just like you.

Tonight, the Ma's is just to make up the banquet here, not to make up the wedding. All the guests who were present took a seat.

Of course, the table closest to the big background wall with hi characters is one, commonly known as the chairman.

The people sitting at the table were heavyweights, the parents of the bride and groom, and... Ji Jingfeng and his girlfriend Jiaqi were also there.

Ji Chicheng walked over without any haste.

Seeing him coming, everyone at that table was surprised, as if they didn't expect him to come.

Including the bride Yang Danning.

Wearing a red evening gown, Yang Danning watched Ji Chicheng approach them in surprise, all over his body, all showing his nobleness and unique aura.

"Little master, you came here in person."

Ma Wenwen saw a flash of displeasure on Ji Chicheng's face, but he had to get up and smile to welcome him.

Ji Chicheng stopped in front of Ma Wenwen and smiled at him, "Ma Dong, congratulations."

As he said, he winked at Wu Te who was beside him.

Wu Tezhu immediately took a big red envelope from his pocket, walked to Yang Danning and the groom Ma Dong, bent over, and handed it to them.

"This is a little bit from my young master. I wish the two newcomers grow old together and give birth to a beautiful child."

Ma Wenwen looked at the red envelope, his face flashed in confusion, but he didn't have much time to speculate about Ji Chicheng's purpose today.

He concluded that Ji Chicheng was in the Three Treasures Palace without incident.

"Young Master, you are too polite."

Ma Wenwen smiled and said politely to Ji Chicheng.

At this time, another man in his forties on the table glanced at Ji Chicheng with a heavy face, and said coolly: "Since it's here, sit down and have a drink."


Ji Chicheng responded with a smile, bent over and sat down in the empty seat beside Ma Wenwen.

A waiter immediately came over to add cutlery to him, and poured the wine.

The middle-aged man who had just spoken raised his glass to Ji Chicheng, and said with a smile: "Chicheng, I'm ready now."

"Chairman Yang said as if I didn't mix well anymore." Ji Chicheng curled his lips, also picked up the wine glass, and took a sip.


This middle-aged man is no one else, but Yang Danning's father, Yang Zhongzhao.

Blocked by Ji Chicheng's sentence, Yang Zhongzhao suddenly seemed to be dumb eating Huanglian. He couldn't tell, his expression was very strange.

Everyone also felt that his beginning was a mistake and satirized Ji Chicheng in front of everyone.

Does he expect that Ji Chicheng will take into account the face of him who almost became his father-in-law somehow, and give him three points of courtesy?

That's so naive.

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward, and Ma Wenwen stood up and spoke again, "Today, Mr. Xiao Ji and Young Master Ji are both present, which reminds me of the old chairman. If he is still there, the atmosphere of our old shareholders must be better today.

He was holding a wine glass and remembered the dead Ji Zhengdao.

Ji Jingfeng looked at the timing of his performance and got up to raise his glass to everyone, "I will offer my grandfather a glass of uncles and grandfathers. If he is alive, he will be as happy as Ma Dong to see Ma Dong's wedding."