So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 836: Trade a man (3)

"Everything is in good condition. Go home and pay attention to health care. Come here on the fourth."

After the examinations, the doctor sent Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning all the way to the outside of the clinic and told them what to pay attention to.

Ji Anning nodded, "I see, thank you Doctor Zhou."

The doctor took a deep look at her. Ji Chicheng was present. He didn't say much, and he didn't look at one more.

The operation was about to be performed on the 6th, and Ji Anning was afraid that Ji Chicheng would see something at this time, so he didn't stop much.

"Little Master."

In the morning, Ji Anning came by Ji Chicheng's car. At this moment, Ji Chicheng asked the driver to drive another car.

Ji Chicheng instructed the driver who came up: "Send them back."

Ji Anning said, "I'm going to take them to play, you give me the car key, and I will drive back by myself in a while."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng did not reluctantly handed the car key in his hand to Ji Anning, turned his head and kissed the little girl he was holding, and then gave her to Ji Anning.

The little girl knew that Ji Chicheng was going to leave, so she raised her little hand and waved at him, "Goodbye Dad."

The sweet voice made Ji Chicheng reluctant to give up.

Can't help bending down again, and kissed her pink face again.

Ji Anning watched from the side, frowning and said: "Okay, you father and daughter, you are so tired every time."


Ji Chicheng straightened up his waist, rolled a small eye at Ji Anning, and then lifted his feet down the steps.

Ji Anning was about to pouting dissatisfiedly, when the man's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"You can kiss me too." Ji Chicheng turned around and looked at Ji Anning blankly.

Ji Anning dismissed, "I don't want to kiss you."

It's like kissing him is the supreme honor.

"Six packs tonight."

The man quietly dropped the six words that scared Ji Anning, walked away with his long legs, and left gracefully.

"One day I will be fine~ as good as everyone..."

Halfway through the curse, Ji Anning stopped suddenly, reluctant to continue, so she had to be alone and shy.


"Little Master."

Wu Tezhu also came with Ji Chicheng's driver. He stood by the car door and waited for Ji Chicheng to come. He immediately reported to his work, "There may be something wrong with the Ma article."

"What?" Ji Chicheng stopped, his face changed.

The news came beyond his expectation. Judging from the attitude of the chat between him and Ma Wenxian that day, Ma Wenxian will definitely not sell J.C shares, it is not a matter of money.

Wu Tezhu said: "It is said that the Ma and Yang families are married. On the day of their wedding, the Yang family asked Ma Wen to use 6% of J.C's equity as a bride price, otherwise the wedding would be cancelled."

"The Ma article is extremely face-saving, so under the circumstance of burning eyebrows, he agreed to this condition of the Yang family, but Ma Dong and Yang Danning have obtained the certificate, and the shares are only transferred to the names of Ma Dong and Yang Danning, and they are still the property of the Ma family. Moreover, the Yang family used their Yang family as pretends, which is beneficial and harmless to the Ma family, but it is said that Miss Yang personally proposed the share offer as a bride price, and we were investigating Master Jing Feng before. During his journey, I found that he had contact with Miss Yang."

"Got it."

After listening to Wu Tezhu's report, Ji Chicheng nodded thoughtfully, thinking of something, he looked at Wu Tezhu and asked: "Tomorrow night, will the Ma family hold a wedding banquet in Haishi?"

Wu Tezhu nodded, "Yes, for their wedding at the resort, a lot of people did not arrive at the courtesy. Now they are returning to the sea city to make up the banquet."