So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 837: Trade a man (four)

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng said without thinking: "Make time for tomorrow night."

Then he bent over and got into the car.


There are still two days left for surgery, and pre-surgery checkups are going on one after another. Ji Anning has to come to the hospital for checkups every day.

In good condition, it is suitable for surgery.

Today is Saturday, and there are very many people in the hospital.

When Ji Anning left the doctor's office, she put on a mask and sunglasses. The brim of the peaked hat was very low.

After the last time Ji Chicheng forced her to show her affection in public, her popularity has increased again, and now she can be recognized everywhere.


Sister Wu waited for her in the car one after another. As soon as she opened the door, the little girl rushed up.

Hugging her waist, looking up at her flatly.

Obviously there are ideas.

Ji Anning smiled and pinched the little girl's nose, "You little thing, what do you want to do?"

They said, "Play, want to go to the amusement park."

I just took her there yesterday. There are many children over there and she is addicted to playing.

Ji Anning said: "Auntie Jin and Brother Zhen Cheng are coming today. Mommy will take you and Brother Zhen Cheng to dinner, buy new clothes, and then take you to the amusement park. You play with Brother Zhen Cheng."


Hearing that Zhen Cheng was coming, they were very happy, and immediately climbed onto the safety seat and sat down, and Wu Sao helped her buckle the seat belt.

Ji Anning looked at Sister Wu again and said, "Sister Wu, I will send you home first. You can rest."

Sister Wu smiled, "If you don't have to bring them with me, I will take the car home by myself, and I just want to go to the supermarket to buy things."

With that, her old man got out of the car with the shopping bag she brought out from home.

Seeing some old shopping bags in Wu's hand, Ji Anning smiled helplessly, thinking that diligence and thrift are the common virtues of the elderly. Every time she goes to the supermarket, she has to bring shopping bags from home.

Environmental protection and saving.

Ji Anning looked at her old man and said, "Slow down, just take a taxi and go back."

"Don't worry about me, you are optimistic about it."

Sister Wu waved her hand and left.

Ji Anning watched her old man walk for a short walk before getting into the car.

I made an appointment with Jin Yuanyuan in a mall near T University. That mall has just opened and is very popular. The most attractive thing is the snack city on the fifth floor over there. As soon as the meal arrives, it is crowded with people.

However, they chose this place because it is convenient for Jin Yuanyuan to get off here, so there is no need to change trains.

From there, she had to go back and forth several times, more than three hours.

Ji Anning chose a pizzeria suitable for children, because it was the weekend, and there were a lot of children with them, so they had to wait in line for the table.

She hugged and waited at the door holding the number plate.

There were a lot of people, and it was rather complicated. After sitting on Ji Anning for a while, the little girl became restless, clamoring to go to the ground.

Ji Anning had no choice but to take the tablet out to show her cartoons first, to comfort her temporarily.

Otherwise, if there are so many people, if she runs with her and is eye-catching, then they may not be able to eat lunch.

"Mummy, aunt." They probably felt uncomfortable with their noses. They raised their heads when they reached out to pick their noses, and suddenly pointed their fingers in front of them and shouted.

Aunt? Sister-in-law here?

Ji Anning raised her head in surprise and looked in the direction of her fingers.

It was not Ji Mingyue, but Ji Xiangting, together with a few stylishly dressed men and women, and several children, who were also lining up at the restaurant where she was waiting.