So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 835: Trade a man (2)

Ji Chicheng gave in pain, and then hugged Ji Anning backhand, against her forehead, and asked her in a low voice, "I will be worse on the sofa, you want Don't try?"

He bowed his head, his breath hit Ji Anning's neck, slapped her, his hands still pinched her waist.

Ji Anning was itchy and painful. While shouting to resist, she changed the subject, "Stop making trouble, Ji Jingfeng entered the police station. You are pressing him into a hurry, will he tell us about our relationship?"

Ji Chicheng snorted coldly, "He hasn't realized his dream of unifying J.C. How could he report that he is not from the Ji family?"

"Are you so sure?" Ji Anning raised an eyebrow.

This man was scheming to play, this man is really black belly.

Getting a fake share transfer letter made Ji Jingfeng think that he had acquired 32% of the shares, giving him enough hope and inspiring his ambitions.

In this way, he would be more afraid of their true identity exposure than she and the younger uncle, and lose the opportunity to compete for the Ji family's property.

"What are you doing? This is in Ji Jingfeng's office."

Ji Anning thought about it, Ji Chicheng had been kissing her neck, rubbing her with big hands, she restrained one of his hands, and put his other hand on again.

"Ah, someone came in after a while, itching to death..."


Ji Mingyue lay on the door, listening to the voice inside, an angry green face.

But at the same time he was relieved.

Ji Anning’s complaints continued to be heard from the room. She could not stop her in this place, she could only keep her eyes out.


After cursing, Ji Mingyue reached out to close the door tightly, then restarted the wheelchair, and said to the assistant who was ordered to stand two meters away: "Go home."


'amount! ’

Ji Anning was shocked when she heard the bang of the door closing, and when she reacted, she quickly turned her head and looked at the door, the door closed tightly.

But she must have heard the door closing just now.

While wondering, she retracted her gaze again, and then realized that Ji Chicheng's hands had been taken from her waist.

Fei was pestering her just now, in a posture of desire and dissatisfaction, and now she has returned to her abstinence system.

This style of painting has become so fast.

Suddenly she thought of the sound of closing the door she had just heard. After guessing something, she narrowed her eyes sharply, looked at Ji Chicheng and asked, "Sister-in-law was listening outside, right?"

Ji Chicheng smiled, "You are really not that stupid sometimes."

"You are really a beast." Ji Anning blushed, clenched his fist, and gently punched Ji Chicheng on the shoulder, "I slept with my niece and deliberately killed my sister, so he should be punished. "

He never knew it was hard.

The more unacceptable others, the more he has to perform until others can accept it.

It was to grandpa at the beginning, and it is the same to sister-in-law now.

Once when she was evading his thoughts on her, he used various methods to force her to move forward and cut all her back.

This man is really domineering to die at any time.

"Well, I know you like it." Looking at Ji Anning's blushing face, Ji Chicheng couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched it indulgingly. "Take them to the hospital tomorrow for pre-surgery examinations, and I will go home in the evening. "

Hearing the word surgery, Ji Anning pressed her lips tightly and nodded, "Okay, you go home every day these days, okay?"

Go home and look at her eyes, look at her eyes more.
