So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 832: Hand tearing Ji Jingfeng (11)

He kicked the chair off, and Ji Jingfeng's hand squeaked, not a broken bone, but also a broken bone.

In pain, he hugged him back, and leaned against the wall.

Ji Chicheng didn't plan to let him go, and approached him with murderous aura. Ji Jingfeng showed horror in his eyes and hurriedly ordered to the onlookers: "Call the security guard."

Those people stood there, motionless, looking at Ji Chicheng, as if looking at Ji Chicheng's expression.

Ji Jingfeng roared, "Are you all dead? Call me the security guard."

At this time, there was a sound of an elevator arriving from outside, the door opened, and a few police officers walked out of the office to the president's office.

Everyone looked over, and Ji Jingfeng followed.

"The police came just right." Ji Jingfeng hurriedly greeted the police and pointed at Ji Chicheng. The wicked first filed a complaint, "He broke into our company without permission and even deliberately beat people."

The police looked at Ji Jingfeng's colorful face and the arms he was holding, and then at Ji Chicheng, who was still standing there calmly.

Question: "Which is Ji Jingfeng?"

Ji Jingfeng replied: "I am."

The police looked back and looked at him, "Mr. Ji Jingfeng, someone called the police that you insulted and beat weak women."

"Fart." Ji Jingfeng couldn't control his emotions and exploded to the police. "I was beaten like this by Ji Chicheng. Are you blind?"

He raised the hand that was kicked by Ji Chicheng, and his painful face was distorted.

Seeing that he was in pain, the police did not care about his words, and looked at Ji Chicheng and said, "Mr. Ji, you also come with us."

"Where is the evidence?" Ji Chicheng raised his eyebrows calmly, fearing that the police would not understand, he added completely, "Where is the evidence that I beat him?"

Then he glanced at the employees who were onlookers just now and asked, "Did you see it?"

All of them lowered their heads, and no one answered.

Ji Jingfeng was anxious and yelled at the group of people, "Didn't you all watch it here just now?"

His emotions were completely out of control. The police were very disgusted with his words and deeds, and sternly scolded him: "Mr. Ji, please control your emotions."

It's been more than two years since entering this highest-level office. This group of employees has turned their elbows out to help Ji Chicheng. How can he control it? How to calm down?

Ji Jingfeng now only wanted to kill Ji Chicheng. If he had a gun in his hand, he would definitely shoot Ji Chicheng without hesitation.

"What about the evidence of my beating? Did anyone see it?"

Since he was beating people and wanted evidence of witnesses, there was no evidence when he was beating people.

Ji Chicheng smiled, then turned to look at the onlookers, and asked, "Have you seen it?"

Everyone nodded together, and one of them was a loud testimony, "I see, President Ji kicked Xiao Chen with his foot and insulted her."

Hearing that, Ji Jingfeng's face changed drastically, "They started a fire to pit me and wronged me."

Ji Chicheng frowned, "Mr. Ji, aren't they all your employees?"

With this question, Ji Jingfeng was speechless.

Seeing that Ji Jingfeng was silent, the police took his uninjured arm and forcibly dragged him away, "Mr. Ji, you should let us go first."

Another policeman looked at the female employee who had been beaten by Ji Jingfeng just now and waved to her, "You also go to the police station with us to record a statement."

In fact, the police are not stupid. Ji Jingfeng is so injured, he can't be self-harm. Someone must have beaten him.