So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 831: Hand tearing Ji Jingfeng (10)

The files in my hand fell all over the place, scattered all over.

The female employee screamed, and then looked at the person she had hit. She was shocked before reacting, and quickly bent over to apologize, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ji, I'm sorry."

After apologizing, she squatted down to pick up things in a hurry.

Ji Jingfeng suddenly lifted his foot and kicked the female employee's thigh, "Did you have no eyes when you walked? Did you **** in the morning?"

The female employee fell to the ground kicked by Ji Jingfeng, and hurriedly touched the place kicked by Ji Jingfeng.

Being scolded and beaten in front of everyone, the female employee was embarrassed and angry. She raised her head with red eyes and argued with Ji Jingfeng, "You can fire me if I did not do the right thing, but why do you hit someone?"

As the female employee spoke, tears fell from her eyes.

Ji Jingfeng was already in anger, but now even the employees ran against him. Without saying anything, he reached out and touched the folder placed on a table next to him, hit the female employee severely, and cursed her: "You are a What? You dare to run into me, get out, get out of the finance department and get the salary."

His appearance is very scary.

Everyone was shocked by Ji Jingfeng, and the president was silent.

The female employee who was beaten also endured the grievance, dared not to speak, and bowed her head and cried.

At this moment, a clear voice came from the president's office, "I have already called the police for you."

Faint tone.

Everyone looked in the direction where the super voice came.

With his hands in his trouser pockets, Ji Chicheng slowly walked out of the president's office. His handsome face was the arrogant expression of Ji Chicheng alone.

People can't help but look at him high.

It was completely different from Ji Jingfeng's brutality just now.

"Thank you, young master." The female employee stood up hurriedly, arranging her short skirt, thanking Dade and Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng did not look at him, his arrogant eyes fell on Ji Jingfeng, and he did not speak.

Ji Jingfeng felt his face slapped by Ji Chicheng.

Unable to control my emotions for a while, he pointed at Ji Chicheng and cursed: "Ji Chicheng, you are an illegitimate child, why come to the company every day? In what capacity did you come to the company?"

He just taught a small employee, he has to intervene.

Everyone took a breath.

Ji Chicheng's face also changed in an instant, becoming gloomy and cold, and a murderous aura sprang from him.

He raised his foot, two steps forward, raised his already clenched fist, and hit Ji Jingfeng's face fiercely. Ji Jingfeng's tooth blood was beaten out and spilled on the table next to it.

This is not the first time Ji Chicheng has done anything to him, and today is in front of the company's employees.

This tone, and the old account before, how he has to calculate with him today.

He took a sigh of relief, touched a laptop on the table, and slammed it at Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng avoided, he rushed forward again.

But before he got close to Ji Chicheng's body, Ji Chicheng slammed a strong fist on the other side of his face.

After eating two times in a row, Ji Jingfeng was dizzy and dazzling. He shook his head, swept to a chair not far away with keen eyes, stepped over and lifted up.

Smashed to Ji Chicheng.

When everyone squeezed Ji Chicheng's sweat, Ji Chicheng suddenly flew up and kicked the hand of Ji Jingfeng holding the chair from the side with a swinging leg.