So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 833: Hand tearing Ji Jingfeng (12)

But now all his employees are leaning toward Ji Chicheng. What does this indicate?

Character issues.

In this case, bringing it into the police station is nothing more than a formality. The compensation for the compensation, the recorded confession, is recorded, and it is put back if nothing happens.

It's just that he was taken into the police station by the police and his reputation is not good.

"Young Master Ji, you are busy."

Among the policemen, an older policeman, the other policemen took Ji Jingfeng out, walked to Ji Chicheng, and greeted Ji Chicheng politely.

Ji Chicheng nodded lightly, "My nephew, there is a team of laborers."

It doesn't seem that he called the police to arrest his nephew.



As soon as the police left, Ji Anning and Ji Mingyue came on their backs. They were surprised to see the mess on the ground of the president's office.

"Fourth Miss."

"Fourth Miss."

The employees greeted Ji Mingyue one after another.

Ji Mingyue looked at Ji Chicheng who was about to lift her foot to leave, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Ji Jingfeng assaulted employees."

Ji Chicheng answered Ji Mingyue faintly.

Upon hearing this, Ji Anning and Ji Mingyue both opened their mouths in shock.


Ji Anning glanced at the smashed computer on the ground, the fallen bench, and the scattered documents. "If things are smashed like this, is the employee injured seriously? Is it sent to the hospital now?"

Ji Chicheng shrugged, "Maybe."

"This Ji Jingfeng is simply too shameless." Ji Mingyue patted the wheelchair armrest angrily. "Even if he smashed the office like this in the company, he didn't care about the impact."

Onlookers eating melons: "..."


Ji Anning suddenly reached out and grabbed Ji Chicheng's wrist, dragged him into Ji Jingfeng's office, closed the door, then looked at him, and whispered: "My sister has already transferred the shares to Ji Jingfeng, what should I do?"

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng didn't have much reaction, and asked faintly: "When did it happen?"

Ji Anning died in a hurry, so he didn't pay attention to Ji Chicheng's reaction, but said that he couldn't understand that he didn't know until now, "Ji Jingfeng stole my sister-in-law's share authorization from you, don't you know?"

The safes were opened, he didn't even know.

"Really?" Ji Chicheng suddenly curled his lips, with a sneer at the corners of his mouth, which was intriguing.

Ji Anning was a little puzzled by his reaction, "Why are you not in a hurry? What are you going to do?"

Ji Chicheng looked at her and smiled. Just as Ji Anning wondered why he was smiling at her, he suddenly stretched out his hand, put his arm around her waist, took her into his arms, and looked down at her jokingly. "You kiss me and I will tell you what to do."

Before Ji Chicheng's words fell, a sharp shout suddenly came from the door.

"Ji Chi City!"

Ji Mingyue came in in a wheelchair and looked at Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning who were hugging each other with a pale expression.

Can't bear to look straight!

She held the wheelchair handrail tightly with both hands, and the scolding came to her lips, considering that the door was still open, she had to hold back.

Ji Chicheng turned his head, glanced at Ji Mingyue lazily, and said lazily, "As you wish, the shares have been transferred to your nephew."

At this time, he still has leisure time here to flirt with... his own niece, and leisure time to anger with her.

Ji Mingyue was not angry, "Huh, the company is exposed to outsiders, I am fine, how can you be worthy of the old man."

(It’s Monday. Let’s vote with your passion. Brother Yang’s cervical spondylosis is getting more and more serious. Get your tickets to show me your condolences. Click to read the next chapter and see if you have a vote... Good! ——