So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 830: Hand tearing Ji Jingfeng (9)

But Char was not angry, but smiled in a good temper, "By the way, you are not the boss, you can't be the master, I'd better find the boss."

Then he turned to look at Ji Jingfeng, "That... President Ji?"

Ji Jingfeng's wound was still bleeding, and he forgot about the pain, and immediately greeted Char with a smile, "Mr. Char can come to visit, that is our J.C's Rongxing."

He went to Char and made a request to him, very religious.

Char laughed, "Ha, if Ji Zhengdao was there, I would definitely be ‘happy’ to death when I heard your words."

As he said, he raised his eyebrows at Ji Chicheng, "Little handsome guy, don't you think?"

Ji Chicheng's face was still as cold as ice.

"I don't want to repeat what I just said a second time."

After speaking, he glanced at Ji Jingfeng with disdain, then turned and walked back.

Seeing his arrogantly leaving back, Ji Jingfeng's eyes flashed a sneer, then he retracted his gaze, and said apologetically to Char: "Mr. Char, my uncle is a bit stubborn, don't take it to your heart. Just go in, I'll do whatever it takes here."

Char's gaze followed Ji Chicheng, who was going away, and sighed: "The aura and temperament are really interesting."

When Ji Chicheng entered the revolving door, he withdrew his gaze and glanced at Ji Jingfeng's face, "Since Young Master Ji doesn't welcome me, then forget it. Don't be unhappy because of my uncle and nephew. "

As he said, he turned and left lightly.

I didn't even look at Ji Jingfeng again.

When he got on the plane, Char sat at the window with his cheek in his hand. Looking out the window, Ji Jingfeng was still standing there, waving at him with a slight smile.

He curled his lips coldly, "It is said that Ji Zhengdao cultivated this Ji Jingfeng as an heir since he was a child, but he still cultivated him in such an embarrassing manner."

The assistant on the side nodded, "That's it."

"It's really blind to his dog's eyes, such a good seedling, but he was wasted." Char suddenly looked cold and looked at JC's tall building, his eyes became gloomy, and the hands on his legs were tight. Clenched fist tightly, "Stupid."

In his tone, there was envy and jealousy that no one could hear.

The entourage only knows that he is angry now, and if he is provoked, the consequences will be serious.

So all of them kept their heads down and kept silent, and no one dared to speak out.

The plane took off slowly, getting farther and farther away from the ground. Charr was still looking at the J.C. Building, his angry eyes were endless sadness and sadness.

A Cai, what good is it for you to follow her, giving birth to him, but he doesn't cherish it so much.


When Ji Jingfeng returned to the president's office, he was upset all the way.

Knowing that Char was coming, he started to prepare yesterday. After a lot of thought, it was useless. Char didn't even cross the door of J.C.

And within a few minutes of meeting, his attention was all on Ji Chicheng, not only that, but he also humiliated him in front of everyone.

The more Ji Jingfeng thought about it, the more unwilling he became.

"President Ji."

When he entered the president's office, all the employees he met greeted him one after another. With a cold face, he walked to his office and stretched out his tie.

At this moment, he felt his nose and eyebrows were an eyebrow.


Suddenly, a thin female employee was holding a pile of documents, while answering the work phone, while walking towards the door, did not notice Ji Jingfeng, and put him on her face.