So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 829: Shredded Ji Jingfeng (8)

He said, opening his arms to Ji Chicheng, going up to embrace his posture.

Ji Chicheng frowned in disgust, and moved aside, avoiding the old man who had approached him.

"Mr. Char."

Ji Jingfeng bends over to Char politely, and he stretches out his right hand, a little excited.

Finally saw the legendary Char himself.

"Who is this……?"

Char did not reach out to hold Ji Jingfeng, but pretended not to know him, looking at Ji Chicheng with a puzzled look.

At this moment, Ji Jingfeng's expression was indescribably embarrassing, and his outstretched hand became stiff. He gritted his teeth secretly and had to smile to meet Char.

"Ji Jingfeng, President of J.C."

Charl listened to Ji Jingfeng's self-introduction, and looked at Ji Chicheng in surprise, "Isn't the president of J.C a handsome boy you?"

Ji Chicheng still looked like he didn't bother to pay attention to him, arrogantly raised his chin, his lips pressed into a straight line.

Char looked at Ji Jingfeng again, and then at Ji Chicheng, the surprised expression on his face remained unchanged, "You two stand together, I thought you were the boss."

Ji Jingfeng's face was extremely ugly, and he was almost unable to pretend.

Char turned his head again, pointed at Ji Chicheng, and asked the four bodyguards and assistants who came with him, "You said they were standing together. Isn't he more like the boss?"

The group nodded together, "Yes."

This is humiliation, the humiliation of Chi Guoguo.

Ji Jingfeng's handsome face was red and green, green and black, but he dared not say anything while pinching his nose.

At the same time, he didn't know what Char was going to do. He obviously wanted to deal with Ji Chicheng with him, so why did he deliberately belittle him for coming to Ji Chicheng.

Pretending not to know him.

Ji Jingfeng was unwilling to be humiliated. In order to save face, he smiled and reminded Char, "Mr. Char may not have a very good memory. I also had a video call with Mr. Char this morning."

"Oh...?" Char frowned, pretending to be a memory, then shook his head, "I still don't remember, I have always had a bad memory, I only remember people with good temperaments and good images."

It means that his temperament is not good and his image is not good.

Ji Jingfeng’s face resembles a pork liver waiting to be sold on a pork stall in a vegetable market in the morning.

With both hands clenched with fists, the bones are about to be crushed.

But Charl didn't intend to let him go, and asked him curiously: "By the way, why did you call me in the morning?"

Charl asked as he stretched out his hand, tapped his temple with his finger, doing the state of recollection, "Speak out and see if I still have an impression."

Ji Jingfeng: "..."

Of course, the content of their call cannot be said here.


Therefore, Ji Jingfeng can only continue to pinch his nose and hit his face.

"Acknowledge" in front of everyone that he knows Mr. Char, who is bragging and mythical.

"Unexpectedly, young people have a bad memory." Charl looked at Ji Jingfeng's pig liver expression, and did not forget to sprinkle a handful of salt on his wound.

Then he stopped looking at him, and walked towards Ji Chicheng, "Little handsome guy, take me to visit your company."

Ji Chicheng returned him coldly, "Sorry, J.C does not welcome you."

Char and him spoke Chinese, but he deliberately rejected him in English, for fear that the group of people he brought with him did not understand Chinese, and he didn't know that their incomparable Mr. Char was rejected.