So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 828: Hand tearing Ji Jingfeng (7)

Because Ji Anning was bought to be a grandson-in-law since she was a child, everyone only sees that she looks better as she grows, and no one pays attention to who she looks like.

Broker An Ning reminded him that when Ji Mingyue looked around, she couldn't believe her eyes.

She stared at Ji Anning's eyes, especially the corners of her eyes, which really looked like Yang Yufang.

But how is this possible?

Ji Anning smiled faintly: "What I mean is very clear. Three years ago, my grandpa gave me two paternity testimonials, one for me and Yang Yufang, and one for me and Ji Weisen. The above shows that I and Ji Weisen’s DNA test are 99% similar.”

When Ji Mingyue heard the words, clutching the wheelchair armrests with both hands, staring at Ji Anning, who wanted to yell, suddenly realized that this was at home, and she lowered her voice in time, "Then you and Ji Chicheng are also relatives and nephews."

Ji Anning nodded, "Yes, so I didn't leave until three years ago, but..."

Before she finished speaking, Ji Mingyue sternly interrupted, "But you are still together, and you are getting worse. In this family, you are both in and out."

After speaking, she looked up at the sky, "This is ridiculous."

It's simply ridiculous.

She believed Ji Anning's words so easily, because Ji Chicheng and Ji Jingfeng were at the door of the company that day, and they were implicitly hinted in their conversation.

"Sister," Ji Anning grabbed Ji Mingyue's hand, her voice trembling a little.

This sister-in-law is in the identity of a niece.

But Ji Mingyue was unwilling to accept, she threw away Ji Anning's hand, "Don't call me, I am not your sister-in-law."

In fact, it doesn't matter to Ji Anning whether she accepts her own niece or not. After all, the relationship between her uncle and nephew is not related to her living.

She did not treat her, and she did not treat her much.

The important thing now is to stop Ji Jingfeng's bad ambitions.

"Ji Jingfeng is now colluding with Char to buy other people's shares at a high price. My uncle finds a way to stop it, and they keep increasing the price."

Upon hearing this, Ji Mingyue was surprised.

"Just now Jing Feng had someone steal the stock authorization form from Chicheng's safe. I have already signed it. He just took the lawyer from home."

Speaking of this, she urged Ji Anning in a panic: "Call Chi Cheng quickly."

Ji Anning was also shocked when she heard this, "How could..."

how come? Not long before she came out, Ji Jingfeng was still at her house.

Before she could think about it, she hurriedly called Ji Chicheng, dialed, and heard the "beep" sound, but no one answered, her heart was like a cat's claw.

"Why don't you answer the phone."

She stood up, paced back and forth anxiously, dialed several times, but no one answered.

Ji Anning simply hung up and stopped fighting. She turned to Ji Mingyue and said, "Sister, come with me to the company."

At this time, Ji Chicheng and Ji Jingfeng were both in the company.


In the empty square at the gate of J.C., a brand new small private plane parked.

A man of about fifty years old, with a handsome mixed-race face and a dark gray suit, was standing next to the plane with four female bodyguards in black with almost the same stature.

The high-profile meeting with the president drove mediocre and attracted the attention of all passersby.

The man looked at Ji Chicheng and Ji Jingfeng coming out of J.C, and the corners of his mouth slowly conjured up a touch of playfulness.

When they approached, he raised his foot to greet him, "Oh, my little handsome boy, it’s been a long time, but it’s broken me."