So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 827: Hand tearing Ji Jingfeng (6)

Wu Sao sighed distressedly after hearing what Ji Anning said, "Hey!"

The identity of the child's granddaughter and pro-granddaughter who bought Chongxi by poor families is a world of difference. Even though Yang Yufang was not favored at that time, the people who lived with Ji's blood were different.

No one knows how much Ji Anning suffered and sins in Ji's family since she was a child, but she watched her survive.

I have survived it, but who would have thought it was so cruel.

Of course, these words don't make much sense now, and she asked again: "Does Miss Fourth have no idea about this matter?"

Ji Anning nodded, "Well, she doesn't know."

If she knows, she will definitely be crazy, and she must be more opposed to her being with her uncle than now.

"I know."

Sister Wu nodded, without asking anything, "I went to the room to see them."

Looking at Wu's back, Ji Anning sighed.

Hey! Uncle, one more person knows our relationship.

Paper can't contain fire. With Ji Jingfeng's nature, even if the uncle fulfills him and gives him everything in the Ji family, he will still burst out when he succeeds.

At that time, what can they do to him?

Suddenly, Ji Anning figured out everything. She had been scared all the time, but all the things she was afraid of began to hide and give way, didn't they all come in the end?

And it came more violently.

Thinking about it, she suddenly got up and shouted into the room: "Sister Wu, I'll go out."


The huge living room is decorated to the utmost luxury, but without the slightest vitality of the past, it makes people feel that the prosperity is no longer there.

Ji Anning walked into the living room, only to see a servant cleaning up the fruit tray on the coffee table.

"Miss Anning."

When the servant saw Ji Anning, he was busy saying hello.

"She is not the master of this family, nor is she a guest. Who made you be polite to her?"

At the gate, a cold voice suddenly came.

Ji Anning turned her head and looked over. Ji Mingyue was sitting in a wheelchair and being pushed towards her.

She greeted her, "Sister-in-law."

Ji Mingyue looked at her coldly and asked: "What are you doing back?"

If Ji Anning was not in a hurry to return to Ji Mingyue, she winked at the servant who was pushing her. The servant nodded, released Ji Mingyue's wheelchair, and retired.

"I have something to tell my sister." Ji Anning pushed Ji Mingyue toward the sofa.

As she walked, she winked at the servant who was tidying up at the coffee table and made her withdraw.

Because Ji Mingyue had spoken just now, the servant did not dare to listen to Ji Anning's words, and looked at Ji Mingyue.

With the permission of Ji Mingyue's eyes, she dared to leave.

The people in the living room are gone, and now there are only two of them. Ji Mingyue lacks patience and urges: "Ji Anning, you can say anything."

"Sister, have you ever thought that maybe we are nephews and uncles?"

Ji Anning didn't mean anything, went around in front of Ji Mingyue, squatted down and looked at her seriously.

Ji Mingyue frowned and scolded her coldly, "Ji Anning, what are you talking about?"

"Don't you think I look a lot like Yang Yufang?" Ji Anning asked Ji Mingyue mockingly, pointing to his face.

If it were not for Ji Mingyue to believe in her identity, she would never take the initiative to associate herself with that woman.

She doesn't want to be like her, it's good to be like anyone.

"What do you mean?" Ji Mingyue was still scolding, but couldn't help but stare at Ji Anning's face carefully.