So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 826: Hand tearing Ji Jingfeng (5)

"Bad guy, big bad guy."

Suddenly they stepped forward and stood in front of Ji Anning, raising their faces without fear and scolding Ji Jingfeng.

Ji Anning was unexpectedly brave, she was worried just now whether she would be scared to cry.

Ji Jingfeng approached, as if his eyes were red with anger. Ji Anning was afraid that he would be unfavorable to them, so he hugged them and said to the sister-in-law who had already gotten up: "Sister-in-law, you take them away first."

Sister Wu took over as quickly as possible and sent her into the room.

She came out and saw that Ji Jingfeng was still approaching Ji Anning step by step. She shouted, "Master Jing Feng, I have already called the police."

Hearing this, Ji Jingfeng stopped, and he clenched angrily with his hands on his legs.

The purpose of his coming today was only to threaten Ji Anning, not to enter the police station.

"Ji Anning, I tell you that one day, if I can't get the company, I will let you and Ji Chicheng drown in the saliva of the world."

Putting down a harsh word, Ji Jingfeng turned and left angrily.

After Mrs. Wu closed the door, Ji Anning removed the disguised strong shell, walked to the sofa, and fell on the sofa.

It is false to say not to be afraid. After all, Ji Chicheng is not here. If Ji Jingfeng really loses his mind and becomes frantic, she and Wu Sao will definitely not be able to beat him.

"Miss Anning."

Sister Wu walked over slowly.

Ji Anning tiredly supported her forehead with her hand. When Sister Wu came to her, she lifted her eyelids, "Sister Wu, you heard what Ji Jingfeng said just now. You are also an old man in the family, watching me grow up. I won't hide it from you."

As she said, she put down her hands, raised her head to look at Wu Sister-in-law, and looked at her seriously and calmly, "My brother-in-law and I are relatives and nephews."

"Miss Anning!!!"

Although the conversation between Ji Anning and Ji Jingfeng just now has been almost revealed, Wu Sao was still shocked and shocked.

She opened her mouth and looked at Ji Anning incredulously.

"Yes, it's ironic." Ji Anning looked down, curled her lips and laughed at herself: "I turned out to be Yang Yufang's daughter. How could there be a mother like her in the world? For the sake of her fame and fortune, she cruelly denied her biological daughter. "

She often thinks that it is better to be irrelevant to her for a lifetime than to deny her.

Ji Anning glanced at Wu's reaction and confirmed that her old man did not know her identity before.

The old man was more cautious than she thought. She thought that Sister Wu already knew, but it didn't matter whether she knew, she was worthy of trust.

My uncle never trusts people easily. Those who believe must be very reliable people.

Sister Wu was still in shock, Ji Anning smiled at her old man again, "Actually, you are at Ji's house. I won't tell you the details. You can also guess a general idea."

"But you and Young"

Sister Wu finally spoke, but she wanted to speak and stopped, with a worried look on her face.

Ji Anning knew what she was worried about. She said, "We were wrong, but there is no way to look back."

Not all mistakes can be corrected after they are known, such as her and my uncle.

"No wonder." Aunt Wu gradually accepted this fact, but still feeling shocked, she nodded, as if to Ji Anning, and as if muttering to herself, "No wonder you entered the door of Ji's house, the second lady. Just treat you as your own."

Ji Anning laughed at herself, "Yes, I have been moved for more than ten years."