So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 825: Hand tearing Ji Jingfeng (4)

Jin Yuanyuan: "Well, good night."

Sun did not reply to her again. She held the phone in both hands and looked up at the sky. The sun gradually rose. The sunlight was a little dazzling, and her eyes were slightly painful.

This is her seventh month in this place.

I don’t know if you are in heaven, you can’t see...


Jin Yuanyuan took apart the boxes, snacks, clothes, toys, all kinds, thinking very well.

There was also a special small box. When she opened it and saw the small blue plane inside, she was even more sure that it was sent by Ji Anning.

She took a photo, opened WeChat, and sent it to Ji Anning, telling her that she had received what she sent.

The children are doing morning self-study by themselves, and the loud reading sound is very neat, making the shabby classrooms full of vigor.

Jin Yuanyuan leaned on the door frame. Only at this time could she find a trace of comfort in her heart.

When Ji Anning received the photo from Jin Yuanyuan, she curled her lips and smiled. She drank the remaining milk in the cup in one gulp.

Then she replied to Jin Yuanyuan, "Just receive it. Remember to bring Zhen Cheng over to play when you have time."

Jin Yuanyuan immediately came back: "Well, I will take Zhen Cheng to the day when they have surgery."

"it is good."

"Master Jing Feng."

Just as Ji Anning responded to Jin Yuanyuan's message, Sister Wu's voice suddenly sounded at the gate.

Ji Jingfeng?

Did she hear me right?

Ji Anning looked suspiciously at the gate, Ji Jingfeng had already entered, and he entered the door without changing his shoes.

And it's menacing.

Ji Anning calmed down, got up and walked over, "Ji Jingfeng, what are you doing?"

Seeing Ji Anning, Ji Jingfeng also grumbled and gritted his teeth at her, "What is Ji Chicheng doing? What does he want to do?"

A posture to be an adult.


Ji Anning sneered in her heart. It turned out that the dog forced by her uncle jumped over the wall and came to the door.

It is estimated that the share purchase failed again.

She walked up to Ji Jingfeng and snorted coldly: "It should be me asking what you want to do, what do you want to do?"

Ji Anning’s attitude aroused Ji Jingfeng’s anger and pointed her finger at her and warned: “I’m telling you, if Ji Chicheng doesn’t give the share authorization to my sister, I will explode the troubles of your relatives, uncles and nephews. You stinks for thousands of years."

At this moment, one after another suddenly ran over.

Ji Jingfeng glanced at the little girl, and then said to Ji Anning: "By the way, let your daughter know that she is the wicked kind of fornication between her mother and her uncle."


Before Ji Jingfeng's words fell, Ji Anning slapped him.

He covered his face and did not respond, Ji Anning said coldly: "Ji Jingfeng, I tell you, JC can't be in your hands, you can tell all the people in the world now that my uncle and I are nephews and uncles. , It just happens that we save trouble, spend less time to prevent you from stealing our property."

"Ji Anning, dare you hit me!"

Ji Jingfeng was in a stomach full of fire and didn't get any vent. Now he slapped Ji Anning again. He became angry and raised his hand to hit Ji Anning.

Sister Wu had already discovered that the momentum was not right, she looked at it and saw that Ji Jingfeng was about to do something to Ji Anning. Her old man stood up and grabbed Ji Jingfeng's hand to stop him.

"Master Jing Feng, the young master will kill you."

"Go away!"

Ji Jingfeng refused to listen to Wu's persuasion, and pushed her old man away, and continued to approach Ji Anning.