So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 824: Hand tearing Ji Jingfeng (3)

After speaking, he unloaded the last box on the car, then pulled out a list from the bag and handed it to Jin Yuanyuan for signing, "I’ll be here this morning. From your school."

Jin Yuanyuan took the list and pen, and looked at the boxes on the ground. She was still a little stunned. After signing the sign, she thanked the courier.

Then immediately took out his mobile phone, opened the international social software, and clicked on the top contact Mr. Sun.

"Mr. Sun, why are you sending so many things to the children?"

Although this place is very poor, it is still better than those difficult places that are very remote and remote.

So no one in the domestic charity thinks about this, and only this foreign netizen has always helped them, so she thinks he should have given these things again.

After sending a message, she struggled to move the boxes into the school.

After she came to the originally dilapidated classroom, that Mr. Sun paid to repair it so that it did not leak, and the window glass was also replaced.

Otherwise, there will be a chilly breeze in class now, and the children will be listening to the class with their necks curled up.

All the boxes were moved into the teacher. Jin Yuanyuan was out of breath. She sat on one of the boxes and took out her mobile phone. There was a message from the social software. Did Mr. Sun reply to her?

The corners of her mouth turned up involuntarily, and quickly opened it to check, "I haven't sent anything recently."

It belongs to Mr. Sun.

Jin Yuanyuan saw Mr. Sun's reply and was surprised, "I received several large boxes of things. Didn't you send them?"

"not me."


After returning a word, Jin Yuanyuan looked at the boxes again, and suddenly thought of something, and then sent a message to Mr. Sun, "I see, it should be the friend I met again a few days ago."

Mr. Sun: "Well, the kids are going to be happy again."

Jin Yuanyuan: "Yes."

She looked outside and saw the blue sky. She suddenly remembered something and edited the message again, "It's night on your side, why are you still not sleeping?"

Mr. Sun: "Work overtime."

These two words were often seen when Jin Yuanyuan was chatting with Mr. Sun.

She didn't know what he did, why he was so busy, she was very curious, but Sun didn't take the initiative to say it, and she wouldn't ask.

Because if he wanted to tell her, he would have said it in small talk.

She went back again: "Go to bed early, your boss is really a vampire."

Mr. Sun: "I'm already busy, have the children started to class?"

Jin Yuanyuan: "No, only a few have arrived."

Mr. Sun: "How is the weather in the sea market today?"

Jin Yuanyuan was not in a hurry to reply. She walked to the door with her mobile phone and took a picture of the sky. The blue sky and white clouds were sent over.

And accompanied by the text, "The weather here is fine, how about you?"

Soon after, she received a photo of the night sky full of stars. She touched the photo with her finger and clicked on the big picture. She saw the brightest one among the stars.

The tip of my heart trembled inexplicably, and he yearned for the night sky there inexplicably.

She reached out to touch the photo, but the photo shrank, pulling her thoughts back.

Mr. Sun sent her a message, "I miss the blue sky of the motherland, miss everything about the motherland."

Jin Yuanyuan smiled and replied: "Ha, you are really patriotic, come back and have a look if you miss it."

Mr. Sun: "I have a rest, I wish you and the children a happy day."