So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 821: Is a box of TT enough? (ten)

Ji Chicheng's big hands are still in Ji Anning's clothes, caressing unscrupulously, so he flirts while having a video conference.

Ji Anning was very awkward, but the man simply had a strong arm that fixed her to death, she couldn't get away at all, and he also grabbed her with another hand, forcing her to submit.

"Master, are you listening?"

The people over there said well, and suddenly stopped. He wasn't sure if Ji Chicheng was listening to him.

Ji Chicheng frowned, "Did I say I'm not listening anymore?"


The young man coughed twice and rolled his eyes secretly, as if saying, "You don't let me see, at least occasionally make a sound to let me know that I'm not talking to myself."

Then he immediately continued: "It was a bank in country Y who directly transferred to the J.C account, and the largest shareholder of that bank is Yuesen Char."

It's Char again.

Hearing this name, Ji Anning straightened up and looked at Ji Chicheng worriedly.

"Uncle, so that Ji Jingfeng's acquisition of those shares is all controlled by Char?"

For a moment, she forgot that Ji Chicheng was still holding a video conference.

Ji Chicheng stretched out his hand, sealed Ji Anning's lips with a finger, gave her a look, and motioned her not to say anything.

Ji Anning realized that when he turned his head and glanced at the computer screen, the young man over there showed a surprised expression, "Master, is there anyone on your side?"

Ji Anning hurriedly shrank her neck and buried her head in Ji Chicheng's arms.

Ji Chicheng didn't answer the man's question. He asked, "What's going on with Char?"

The man said: "He pushed back all the itineraries and activities from the 2nd to the 5th of next month, and prepared to personally drive the plane he just bought to China."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng twisted his eyebrows, hooked his lips unpredictably, and then looked at the screen and said: "Give out the gifts we prepared for those shareholders."

The man asked uncertainly: "Are you going to act?"

Ji Chicheng pursed his lips and did not speak for a long time.

Ji Anning and the man in the video are waiting for him to reply.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand, tapped the computer screen, and turned on the camera on his side.

Ji Anning was stunned. When she reacted, they had already appeared on the screen. She was sitting on his lap, his arm was around her waist, and his chin was resting on her shoulder.


Ji Anning was stunned again. The other party's picture became smaller. In the upper right corner, he suddenly saw a scene from Ji Chicheng's side, and he was also confused.

Open mouth, incredible.


Ji Chicheng just responded, then he stretched out his hand again, and now he hung up the video directly.

"Uncle, you are too shameless." Ji Anning cursed, and the next second she was pushed onto the sofa by the man.

The tall body, heavy, pressed against her.

But instead of kissing her as usual, he kept looking at her with his head upright.

Ji Anning blinked and looked at Ji Chicheng's peach blossoms with slightly raised eyes. She was a bit coquettish and very charming. She spit in her mouth and slipped to her throat to stop.

She... She was so conquered by his face, she didn't even have the strength to struggle.

Feeling uncontrollable, I am going to push his hands, lift them up, wrap them around his neck, and go around in a circle. The pink diamond ring on the ring finger of his right hand is facing the light, like a meteor passing by .