So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 822: Hand tearing Ji Jingfeng (1)

shining with happiness.

"Uncle." Ji Anning tugged forcefully with both hands, pressing down Ji Chicheng's body and actively kissing his lips.

Ji Chicheng held her with one hand, and reached out to the coffee table with the other. He didn't know what to touch in a box and stuffed it into Ji Anning's hand.

Ji Anning grabbed it, frowning in confusion, what?

"Say a good box."

She was wondering, the man's lips were slightly separated from her lips, and the nice voice became deep and hoarse because of the ****.

It seemed to carry a penetrating electric current through Ji Anning's heart.

Hearing a box, Ji Anning immediately understood what it was. She frowned embarrassedly and looked at the man who was pressing on her silently.

The man laughed at her stare, and the corners of his lips were evilly raised, and even his lips seemed to become redder.

"Too little?"

Raised eyebrows slightly, unspeakable style.

"Why are you so bad!"

Ji Anning didn't know how to express his inner love and love, opened his mouth and bit the man's lip, rubbing hard, wishing to bite it down and swallow it into his stomach.

But he won't really want a box tonight, will he?

She brought the box of things that Ji Chicheng had given her to her eyes, looked at it, and she frowned in distress.

Ji Chicheng knew what she was thinking, and said lightly: "Say a box is a box."

Then he proved with his actions that he is a vigorous and resolute man, and he does what he says... a real man!

He was sweating profusely and took a shower before returning to the master bedroom. The little man on the bed was sleeping soundly, his mouth pouting slightly, and the bag smashed on his forehead at night had not completely disappeared.

Ji Anning lay on the bed, leaned over, and kissed them distressedly.

It just so happened that Ji Chicheng had also washed up and came in early.

Wearing a bathrobe on him, he walked to the bed, Ji Anning took the initiative to move inside to make room for him.

Ji Chicheng bent down and lay down beside Ji Anning, his eyes also looked towards him. He hadn't seen them mother and daughter for almost a week. He really missed them too much.

Looking at the young girl's immature face, he couldn't help but stretch out his hand and gently rubbed it twice with the pad of his thumb.

Tender and smooth, the corners of his mouth can't help but rise.

"Uncle, one after another is too lonely." Ji Anning lay on Ji Chicheng's chest, with his arms on his waist.

Feel sad.

Ji Chicheng raised his other hand, touched her head, and said dozingly: "Aren't you a human?"

It means he treats her as a child.

Ji Anning raised her head and looked at Ji Chicheng sadly: "Why don't you go outside and find a woman to give birth to you."

This hypocritical appearance... makes Ji Chicheng want to strangle her very much.

His big hand touched Ji Anning's waist, gritted his teeth and squeezed it hard, "Okay."

Speaking of other women, Ji Anning suddenly remembered something, looked at Ji Chicheng with gleaming eyes and asked: "Uncle, you love me, do you love me all the way I become?"

Ji Chicheng frowned, "Did you watch unnutritious bubble dramas and novels again recently?"

His hand touched Ji Anning's head again and rubbed it.

Ji Anning pouted, "If you don't answer me directly, will you despise me? I am old, disabled, bald... blind, will you despise me?"

After asking, she raised her head and stared at Ji Chicheng's deep eyes without blinking.

She wants him to look at her eyes more now, remember the look of her eyes, remember that her eyes have been so bright.