So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 820: Is a box of TT enough? (nine)

It was very late after dinner. Ji Anning was worried that Jin Yuanyuan and Zhen Cheng rushed to the night, so they kept them in the city for one night and went back the next morning.

Out of the restaurant, Ji Anning saw a familiar figure walking towards them.

It's Ji's driver.

Ji Anning didn't know what the driver was doing, and looked up at Ji Chicheng suspiciously.

Ji Chicheng didn't look at her. He watched the driver who came by. He pointed to Jin Yuanyuan beside him and told the driver, "Send them to the Lido Hotel to arrange."

Ji Anning frowned, "Hotel?"

why? There are several rooms in the house, why live in a hotel?

She looked at Ji Chicheng puzzledly again.

At this time, Jin Yuanyuan suddenly smiled and said, "Ha... Lido Hotel, I have only heard of it, but I haven't lived in it yet. Thank you, Teacher Ji."

Then she immediately said to the driver: "Master, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No trouble, no trouble." The driver answered Jin Yuanyuan honestly, and then led them to the direction of the car he was driving.

"Others' IQs are getting better and better."

When Jin Yuanyuan and the others got in the car, Ji Chicheng retracted his gaze and glanced at Ji Anning, his eyes slightly disgusting.

Then he bent over and hugged them, and raised their feet towards their car.

Hey! What does this guy mean?

Means her IQ is getting worse and worse?

Ji Anning was not convinced, chased after him, looked at the man’s expressionless face, and despised: "Who doesn’t know what you mean, don’t you just be afraid that Yuanyuan will affect you, maybe you will go home now Wife Wu is gone."

She grumbled Barabara.

Ji Chicheng's footsteps suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at her, and said lightly: "At this point, you are still very savvy."

After speaking, he raised his foot and continued to walk forward.

Ji Anning was about to continue to vomit, and the people lying on Ji Chicheng's shoulders suddenly asked curiously: "Daddy, what is slap?"


Ji Chicheng replied without hesitation.

They nodded in understanding, "Oh!"

Then continue to close your eyes.

Ji Anning: "..."

After getting in the car, they all fell asleep according to the usual practice.

Put her on the bed to coax her to sleep, Ji Anning crept out of the room.

"Now that Ji Jingfeng has offered three times the high price to acquire their shares, this time they are basically ready to move."

"But we finally found out the source of the huge sum of money in the J.C. account."

Ji Chicheng is sitting on the sofa with a tablet on the coffee table, and is working with someone on video.

Ji Anning didn't want to be disturbed, so he was going to take a bath directly.

Ji Chicheng suddenly stretched out his hand to beckon her.

She curled her lips, walked over, and glanced at Ji Chicheng's computer screen. What she saw was a young man with good facial features.

But the camera on Ji Chicheng's side didn't turn on, so she sat down beside Ji Chicheng with confidence.

Ji Chicheng stretched out his hand, put his arm around Ji Anning's waist, and put his other hand directly under her clothes and into her clothes.

Although they didn't look at the camera, they were still talking and the other party was still talking.

Ji Anning felt very awkward, "Oh."

She squeezed, and accidentally made a sound. The voice of the person on the video was interrupted by her voice. She blushed in embarrassment and hurriedly pursed her mouth.

"carry on."

Ji Chicheng gave an order, and the man's voice in the video sounded again.

(Recommend friends Yuyu's fierce "Devil's Sweetheart: School Grass, Don't Bite Me", it's super pretty...)