So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 816: Is a box of TT enough? (Fives)

This is a fatal sentence.

Being with someone you love, doing what you do...

She can also increase the decibels of the two words ‘do~love’, connect them together, and then pause for a while before adding the following words.

Yang Danning was completely irritated and changed her face completely. She looked at the face with a confident smile and mocked: "Ji Anning, have you finally revealed your shameless nature?"

Ji Anning nodded, "Yes, my nature is true."

To be with my uncle, she would rather be shameless.

"I sincerely wish you a happy wedding, and I won't go to the wedding."

Before Yang Danning could say anything, Ji Anning closed the window, started the car, and drove away.

Yang Danning looked at the familiar car and the familiar license plate, gritted his teeth and wringed his fingers, jealous and unwilling.

Ji Anning, you and Ji Chicheng will never be happy forever!


Jin Yuanyuan looked at Ji Anning and saw that the expression on her face was plain and unpredictable. She didn't seem to be affected by Yang Danning's remarks, so she asked in confusion, "Didn't you be good friends before?"

She used to live with Ji Anning in the arm, and she saw Yang Danning had been to Ji Anning's dormitory.

Ji Anning nodded, "Yes."

Friends who used to be very good, now meet like enemies.

Jin Yuanyuan curled her lips, "They say that women are a disaster, but I didn't expect men to be a disaster."

She is not stupid, the dialogue between Ji Anning and Yang Danning is so obvious, the contradiction between them must be Ji Chicheng.

"Ha." Turning his head to exaggerately smiled at Jin Yuanyuan, and then said solemnly: "Your words, I will definitely bring them."

Jin Yuanyuan: "..."

She was speechless, and Ji Anning said again, "Why don't I take you to find him? Let's have a meal together."

Jin Yuanyuan hurriedly said: "Don't, I'm under a lot of pressure to eat with such a big man."

Ji Anning said: "He gets along well, not as cold as it looks on the surface."

That's strange.

After saying that she did not give Jin Yuanyuan a chance to refuse, she picked up her mobile phone and dialed Ji Chicheng's number. Without the Bluetooth headset connected, she was driving again, so she directly pressed hands-free.

After beeping for a while, the phone was answered by a familiar man's voice.

"What are you doing?"


When Jin Yuanyuan heard Ji Chicheng's voice, she rolled her eyes at Ji Anning.

Even the voice has a sense of abstinence, she also said that she is easy to get along with, not as cold as it seems on the surface.

Ji Anning has become accustomed to Ji Chicheng's tone. She said in a coquettish tone: "My commercial has finally finished shooting today, and it's completely finished. Would you not celebrate for me?"

Ji Chicheng said: "Is a box of condoms enough for you at night?"

A serious flirt.

Wipe, this guy! ! !

Ji Anning instinctively glanced at Jin Yuanyuan behind her from the corner of the eye, and Jin Yuanyuan covered her mouth, holding back a smile.

She quickly reached out to turn off the hands-free, picked up the phone to her ear, gritted her teeth, "I mean let you invite me to dinner, and I will be with Yuanyuan."

"Not going."

Master Ji resolutely refused.

What is round and square, why does he want to eat with others?

After hearing Ji Chicheng's answer, Ji Anning was glad that he had turned off the speakerphone, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

She said: "I don't care, why do you have to take time to dine with me? Yuanyuan took Zhen Cheng, and they have been chanting about Zhen Cheng's brother these days."

After moving out, Ji Chicheng changed his words and agreed, "I have another meeting. I will pick you up in two hours."

(I don’t know if this title will be harmonized. Please read it as soon as possible. If you don’t see the proof, it’s blocked. Haha. I’m really tired these days, so I’m so late. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s big, I’m so sad. You don’t need money for a monthly pass. If you save it, you won’t have a small monthly pass. Click to read the next chapter to see if there is a ticket. If you have one, vote for me, or you will get pregnant and the child is not Yang Yes, hum!)