So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 815: Is a box of TT enough? (four)

The old man bends down slightly and looks in the car with a kind face.

Ji Anning looked at the old man's face and just remembered who he was, but Jin Yuanyuan yelled out first, "Professor Lu."

It is Professor Lu from the computer department of the school.

The old man nodded and smiled at Jin Yuanyuan who called him, and then apologized to Ji Anning: "I'm sorry I've read it wrong. This car is the same as the one I know of Teacher Ji."

Ji Anning smiled and said, "It is indeed his car. I just borrowed it to drive for a few days."

Upon hearing this, Professor Lu stared at Ji Anning's face carefully, and asked uncertainly: "Are you Ji Anning?"

Ji Anning nodded, "Yes."

"Professor Lu."

At this moment, another girl's voice called Professor Lu from behind.

Ji Anning's familiar voice, she looked in the rearview mirror in surprise, and the familiar figure gradually approached, it was Yang Danning.

What a coincidence!

Ji Anning shook her head funny, but at this moment, she didn't rush to greet Professor Lu and leave.

The corners of her slightly raised mouth gradually flattened, and her lips named a straight line, waiting for Yang Dan to come over.

She thought, the big deal is a plain greeting.

Professor Lu looked at Yang Danning who was walking by and asked with a smile, "Danning, why did you come to school today?"

"I'll send invitations to the teachers." Yang Danning said while digging out a red wedding invitation from his bag and handing it to Professor Lu with both hands. "I will get married next month and hope that Professor Lu can come and participate."

Hearing the words, Professor Lu smiled and reached out to accept the invitation, flipped through it, and said with emotion: "It's going to be getting married, so fast."

As he said, he raised his head and looked at Yang Danning again, "If I have time, I will definitely go there."

"I really hope that the teachers can come." Yang Danning said to Professor Lu sincerely.

"Then you are here, I have something to go to school, let's go first."

Professor Lu greeted them and left with the invitation card Yang Danning gave him.

When his old man walked away, Yang Danning turned his head and looked at the car, watching Ji Anning sitting in the driver's seat, a strange color flashed quickly in her eyes, too fast for people to catch it.

Ji Anning pursed the corners of her mouth lightly.

"Did you receive my invitation today?" Yang Danning raised his chin slightly and asked with arrogance.

"Well, I got it."

Ji Anning nodded, faintly replied, and then added, "Congratulations."

Yang Danning's chin was still slightly raised, "Ji Anning, I hope you can come and witness the beginning of my happiness."

As if inviting her to go, just to show off to her, she is very happy now.

Ji Anning smiled, "You can be happy, I am very pleased, I am really happy for you."

She is sincere.

But Yang Danning didn't believe it, "You don't need to pretend to be with me, I'm just married."

She gritted her teeth and her face became sour and mean again, "And you and Ji Chicheng will never be happy, always incest."

Jin Yuanyuan, who was sitting behind, heard Yang Danning's words and was very angry. She couldn't help but poked her head out and cursed at Yang Danning: "I said, why are you so lacking in mind."

Ji Anning's voice followed Jin Yuanyuan, "Incest~ It doesn't matter. The important thing is that I love him very much, and he loves me very much."

She looked at Yang Danning, her mouth raised slightly, very calm.

Seeing the flames of jealousy gradually igniting in Yang Danning's eyes, she chuckled again: "I don't think there is anything in this world that is happier than being with someone you love, making love ~ doing... things."