So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 817: Is a box of TT enough? (six)

Finally agreed, Ji Anning laughed, "Okay."

When she hung up the phone, Jin Yuanyuan's cool laughter came from behind, "Haha, hahaha."

Ji Anning turned her head and stared at her without annoyance, "What's so funny?"

Of course she knew that she was laughing at Ji Chicheng's sentence and gave her a box of condoms.

But thinking about that sentence after hanging up the phone now, she is not so embarrassed, she was very embarrassed just now.

As expected by Ji Anning, Jin Yuanyuan really teased her with Ji Chicheng's words, "One box of condoms a night, Teacher Ji is really powerful."

Ji Anning replied without embarrassment: "There are only three in a box. My brother-in-law has such a great figure, it's a small case."

As she spoke, she laughed.

But a box of three doesn't seem to be much. Last time they seemed to... did they use one box?

Jin Yuanyuan frowned and despised Ji Anning upon hearing this, "Ji Anning, you are really not ashamed. It turns out that you are a **** in a pure coat."

"Hahaha." Ji Anning laughed.

She and Jin Yuanyuan were smiling and chatting home.

Zhen Cheng slept until Ji Anning’s house was not awake. Ji Anning lived in a small multi-storey building. There was no elevator and had to climb stairs. Both Ji Anning and Jin Yuanyuan thought they didn’t have the strength to carry the little guy upstairs, so they had to He wakes up.

The little guy followed them sleepily.

Ji Anning walked in front and opened the door. Wu's wife just came out of the kitchen with a plate of fruit.

"Miss Anning, you are back."

"Sister Wu." Ji Anning pulled Jin Yuanyuan and introduced to Sister Wu, "This is my friend Jin Yuanyuan."

Aunt Wu hurriedly nodded slightly to Jin Yuanyuan, "Hello, Miss Jin."

Without waiting for Ji Anning to introduce Jin Yuanyuan, Jin Yuanyuan bends over to Sister Wu and smiled and said, "Don't be so polite, just call me Yuanyuan."

Then she pulled Zhen Cheng in front of her, pointed at Wu's wife, and said to Zhen Cheng: "Zhen Cheng is called Grandma."

"Hello, grandma." Zhen Cheng obediently called out Wu's wife.

Sister Wu looked at the little guy, smiled and said to Ji Anning: "There are people playing here, just yelling to find you."

Then she turned her head and shouted into the room; "One after another, you see who is back."


The little girl's voice came from the room immediately, and without asking, she knew it was Ji Anning who had returned.

"Brother Zhencheng."

I was very happy at first, and when I ran out to see Zhen Cheng, the little girl's eyes lit up and the expression on her face was extremely excited for a second.

She happily ran to the door to meet Ji Anning and them.

Running fast, Ji Anning glanced at the ground, and looked surprised, "Be careful that there are toys on the ground."

The little girl is alone at home every day, without children to play with, she can only play with a bunch of toys. The floor in the living room is full of toys, and Wusao has no time to clean up.

When Ji Anning shouted, he had already rushed out, but he was still a step too late. They stepped on a plush toy on the ground, slipped and fell.

This time, he lay forward, and the fall was not light.

Ji Anning arrived at her side, bent over and fished the little girl from the ground, and asked distressedly, "Where did you fall? Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." The little girl was accustomed to this type of wrestling. She smiled and rubbed the place where her head fell. Then she broke away Ji Anning's hand and continued to walk towards Zhen Cheng, "Brother Zhen Cheng."