So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 814: Is a box of TT enough? (three)

Ji Jingfeng quickly changed his words, "If we conclude by success, of course, my grandfather is not as successful as Mr. Char in his life."

Charl was very satisfied with his answer.

After all, he loves to hear anything that slanders Ji Zhengdao, the more the better.

With a smile, he looked at Ji Jingfeng again, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "But the old stubborn Ji Zhengdao still has a bit of insight."

Char made no secret of his contempt for Ji Jingfeng, "because he didn't hand over the shares to you."

Ji Jingfeng frowned, unhappy, "Mr. Char, what do you mean?"

He put his hand on the table, and clenched his fist in anger because of the contemptuous remark that Charr had just said. Charr glanced at him and continued to venomously said: "The meaning is very obvious. Compared with Ji Chicheng, you are indeed ten worse. Thousands of miles."

Saying that he reached out to take the juice from the servant, took a sip, and smiled again: "Although I have a headache for his stubbornness and arrogance, and his bad temper, I have to admit that he is very bold and courageous. Talent, if JC is in his hands, he will definitely reach the top again."

Ji Jingfeng over there was speechless.

No... It should be said that he dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

Charl looked at him like that, and the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, feeling particularly comfortable.

Oh, Ji Zhengdao, Ji Zhengdao, if your old stubborn person is alive and sees your grandson being humiliated by me, but you dare not put a fart, I don’t know how you will react?

He imagined it beautifully in his heart for a while, and then he changed the conversation, "But if you obey my arrangements, J.C will definitely be yours in the future."

Upon hearing this, Ji Jingfeng immediately put away the face that was worse than pig liver, and flattered Char: "Mr. Char, you are so successful, I will definitely learn from you."

As he spoke, his hands were always clenched with fists.

As a conqueror like Char, I like this feeling. You obviously hate me, but you have to please me.

He leaned back in his chair lazily and ordered Ji Jingfeng in a kingly tone: "Give me those shares at three times the price."

Ji Jingfeng nodded, "I understand."

Charl didn't say anything, and reached out and cut off the video call.

Then he tilted his body, cupped his cheeks with a drink in his hand, and hooked his lips with interest, "Little handsome guy, you can be bothered by you for twice the price, I'd like to see how good you are. ."

Muttering to himself, he raised his head and said to the special assistant beside him: "I will be free for two days for the itinerary in early April, ready to go to China."



For fear of attracting the crowd, Ji Anning did not dare to enter the gate of T. He drove the car and Jin Yuanyuan around T and Zhen Cheng fell asleep.

The car stopped at the main entrance of T Big, just after winter, the trees were all withered, and the setting sun was afterglow.

Ji Anning looked at the campus, although there was no emotion, but at this moment, she still felt deeply inside.

How hard did she work to get into this university that many people can't match.

Ji Anning was in a trance for a while, then returned to her senses, and found that someone had blocked her vision, and there was a person standing outside the window of the car. She glanced up. An old man in his sixties looked familiar.

She hurriedly opened the car window.

"Ms. Ji?"