So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 813: Is a box of TT enough? (two)

But what if we can be together? Did Yao Yiyang never think about it? Or is it because he hasn't treated Yuanyuan to the point where she is indispensable?

So I think he feels good about Yuanyuan's mere forgotten world.

"Contacted." Jin Yuanyuan nodded and said with a smile: "He also sent Zhen Cheng a gift, and he also sent a lot of snacks to the children in the school."

Ji Anning discovered that Jin Yuanyuan's voice was much louder when he mentioned that kind person, and the smile on his face was also particularly cheerful.

And all this, she definitely can't help it.

This discovery made her feel dumb, and she nodded, don't sigh deeply, "Hey, this kind person is really nice."

Jin Yuanyuan nodded with emotion, "There are still many good people in the world."

"That kind person is also from China, didn't you mention that I want to meet you?" Ji Anning suddenly went gossiping.

Jin Yuanyuan frowned and wondered, "Why meet me?"

Why meet? Ji Anning was taken aback, yes, why did they meet?

After thinking for a while, she laughed: "Ha...I mean, he cares about Zhen Cheng so much, didn't he think of coming to see him?"

Jin Yuanyuan said, "We are so grateful that people have paid for it, so I'm ashamed to let people travel to see the children."

Ji Anning: "..."

She is as honest and honest as ever.

Or maybe she is really thoughtless now...

There were cheerful nursery rhymes in the carriage. Zhen Cheng ate snacks, and gradually became less restrained. From time to time, she would feed Jin Yuanyuan a biscuit.


In the swimming pool at the same level as the international competition, the man swam twice back and forth. The special assistant kept holding his mobile phone and waited patiently on the shore.


Finally, the man in his fifties swam to the shore, raised his head out of the water, and asked the special assistant coldly, holding on to the railings that went ashore with both hands, and slowly went ashore.

"Mr. Char." The servant immediately put on a bath towel and put it on him respectfully.

"It's Mr. Ji Jingfeng from China." The special assistant handed the phone to Char with both hands.

After hearing this, Char frowned suspiciously, reached out his hand to take the phone, and then walked up to the chair to sit down.

The video call that had just been hung up came again, and he picked it up in a hurry, and a slightly immature young man's face appeared on the screen.

Char's lips pressed hard into a straight line, waiting for Ji Jingfeng to speak.

"Ji Chicheng didn't know what method was used to get the shareholders who were already ready to take back their minds."

Ji Jingfeng's tone was anxious and angry.

Char crossed his lips in disdain, "Do you think there is anything in this world that money can't do?"

With frivolous eyebrows, he looked at Ji Jingfeng at the end of the video, and looked down on him.

Ji Jingfeng wondered what he meant, "Mr. Char."

Char said: "Give them a price three times the market value and see if they can sell it."

"Triple!!!" Ji Jingfeng opened his mouth wide in shock and stared, "Mr. Char, I heard it right? You mean we want to buy their shares with J.C's current stock value?"

Charl was extremely indifferent to his reaction, and asked, "Do you think I am more bold than your dead old antique?"

Ji Jingfeng nodded without hesitation, "Yes, my grandfather always estimates too much, and lacks domineering and courage. This is indeed not as good as Mr. Char."

"Only in this area?" Char frowned unhappy.