So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 812: Is a box of TT enough? (One)

Then she immediately turned her head, not looking at Ji Anning's eyes, she didn't know how she pretended not to know.

She knew it, knew she was going to blind one of her eyes, and she still pretended not to know.

Jin Yuanyuan walked ahead, basically taking a few steps with her feet, she had to bear it, she couldn't bear to look, but she couldn't bear it.

"what happened?"

Ji Anning raised her head just to meet Jin Yuanyuan and turned to look at her, she asked curiously.

Jin Yuanyuan pursed her lips and smiled, turned around again, and continued to walk forward, her hands tightly gripping the bag strap.

"Yuanyuan, is there anything wrong with you?" Ji Anning looked at Jin Yuanyuan's footsteps and observed her abnormality. She said, "If there is anything you want me to help you just ask, don't follow I am hypocritical."

She thought that Jin Yuanyuan wanted her for help.

"If I have something to ask you for help, I won't be hypocritical with you." Jin Yuanyuan stopped, and when Ji Anning came to her, she reached out and took her arm.

He put his head on her shoulder affectionately.

Although Jin Yuanyuan used to be very enthusiastic to her, after this reunion, Jin Yuanyuan became more introverted. This was the first time she took the initiative to get close to her.

Ji Anning was taken aback for a moment, and asked in a worried tone, "Hey, seriously, are you asking me for help?"

Jin Yuanyuan shook her head, "No, no."

Then she joked again, "Big star, sign me another day."

Suddenly regaining her vitality, Ji Anning still felt that she had a problem, but obviously, she didn't want to talk.

But her thing, she thought it was her group of students.

Ji Anning thought, without further questioning Jin Yuanyuan, she pushed her with her elbow, and said angrily: "It's really not like you at all, Jin Yuanyuan, you should go back to the original Jin Yuanyuan."

She really really hopes that she can be like before.

Jin Yuanyuan smiled and did not answer the topic. She looked up at the sky. After a while, it seemed like a whim, and said to Ji Anning: "Anning, let's go around the school."

To go near the school? T big?

Ji Anning didn't have much affection for this school, after all, he had only been in a learning period.

But that is the place where she and Jin Yuanyuan met, and the only time they spent together was there, so going there was indeed the best choice.

She nodded, "Okay, there happens to be a shopping mall there. Let's take Zhen Cheng to stroll around."

She mainly wanted to buy some presents for Zhen Cheng's children, but she was not sympathetic, but it was a reward and encouragement for him.

This is probably the first time the little guy rides in such a good car. After getting in the car, he was very restrained. He carefully looked at the corners of the car. He put his little hands on his legs, clenching his fists all the time.

Ji Anning observed for a while, then turned around and smiled at him: "Zhen Cheng, I'll listen to you a nursery rhyme that you like to listen to, okay?"

"Good." Zhen Cheng nodded cautiously.

The appearance of a little nervousness is very distressing.

Jin Yuanyuan on the side couldn't help reaching out to touch her little head. She, who was not a mother, looked at the little guy with a look of love.

Ji Anning couldn't help but recall the lingering touch of pampering at the corner of his mouth when Yao Yiyang talked about Jin Yuanyuan.

She couldn't help asking: "Zhen Cheng had the operation, didn't you contact that kind person abroad?"

"It's pretty good now..."

Yao Yiyang sighed with relief. At the time, she also felt that it was good now, and then she also felt that she and her uncle were just like that, which was also good.